i think most people would agree the economy would be much better off if people kept buying things.
Hmm, it was the massive overspend on Credit that got us here in the first place!
OK - Me, like Glen(stongle), I am a trader for a large German bank, so we have a pretty clear view on what happened so I'll give you all a synopsis!
The US lowered the requirement that the lenders (fannie Mae freddie Mac) could offer credit to for house purchases in the US.
Lenders in the US found a whole new sector of borrowers, the sub-prime borrowers, and therefore fully utilise their lending capital.
The US had a housing boom, but this meant that the lending capital was drying up, so the lenders offered to sell the debt in buckets with other better rated product to paper over the cracks, These were the CDO's you hear about.
AIG and other major US insurers provided financial insurance policies alongside these products, and deliverd the package to to the agencies for rating. This got them A ratings as the agencies are funded by the banks effectively.
The regulators were then presented with these A rated CDo products, did not do their homework and approved them, and the market bought them with gusto. This created the merry go round of cash generation by the debt market.
The lenders had more money again now to lend money, thus fueling the market rises.
This market spread across the world as cheap cash became available and the UK started offering the NINJA (No Income No Job) loans for houses.
The housing market was injected with capital and then started to rise rapidly.
The Estate agents pushed people to spend more, the media told us all our houses were worth more, the Government were happy, as everyone was 'richer' and it was all because of Gordon. The market marched on with headlines and Agents and banks all happily believing that the cash would keep coming.
The public, not being the economic experts that some may think they are never realised that at some point, if you keep raising the price, it will become too expensive, believed that the spin from the Govt and the media was gospel, and how could you lose money on a house? They only go up right? People took out credit against their houses and spent it on cars/holiidays/clothes etc etc. This was now the warning light that should have been flashing to any Chancellor. We were all spending cash like water, everyone was bettrer of as we could all have new cars, and Gordon told us it would never end. The media being so savvy with Labour back then lauded our wonderful Chancellor. Labour won the elections again.
Well no. This is the guy who spent the Budget surplus he inherited from the last Government. He took our Public Sector borrowing requirement to unheard of levels after he inhetrited a big fat ZERO from the last Govt. This is the guy who sold the nations gold (thats yours and mine) at a 25 year low, against the advice of the bank of England and the bullion Banks own experts. This is the guy who took the jobless numbers down by empolying nearly 500 000 more public sector workers.
Gordon papered over the cracks of what was really going on with the simple lie that your house made you richer.
Then we get to today, where the mortgae resets ion the US have forced forclosures and thos lovely A rated debt products are worthless as more people than predicted defaulted and cost the banks that bought them.
The panic that this caused the world meant that no banks wanted to lend to ANYONE. Cash dried up, mortgages stopped. This was the abyss.
So the trail of blame is:
The government for lifting regulations in the US (clintons administration)
The rating agencies for not knowing WTF they were looking at with the CDO's.
The regulators for not knowing WTF was going on.
Global economic ministers for not realising that spiraling levels of personal debt do tend to do this!
Governments for not stepping n and saying stop, as that would lose votes.
The media for whipping up the Market frenzy (they are doing the reverse now!)
Estate agents for the outright greed and lies, underhand market practice etc that alot (not all) showed throughout this.
The Banks for lending to idiots who would default as they had stretched themselves clearly.
The investment banks for not seeing the problems with lending too much cash into a system.
And last but not least - the public for being naive enough to believ that your house would only ever go up. If the average house price had hit 300k, with the average salary at 30k , there is clearly something wrong! If you were stupid enoughto go self cert and tell the bank you could afford a 200k flat on 25 grand a year, and they did, you are a tw4t. But everyone was blinded by the shiney lights of their new X5's to notice.
So there you go, blame the bankers soley, and you have learnt nothing. The blame was everywhere, and if people don't learn from this episode, we are not coming out of this downturn in a hurry. You have been warned.
Dont trust the media ( quick scan of Private Eye will help with this)