Seriously...the media peddle what ever they want to peddle. Its all targeted and all has a a ulterior motive. Look at mein fuhrer, Rupert Murdoch. We know what he wants us to know!
If he wants us to be pissed off with bankers, we will be...there is much more to this than meets they eye, as per usual!
C'mon, if you could be bothered you could easily get a less distorted picture of what is going on / happened. In many ways the media reflects it's target audience group or demographic. Unfortunately I think over the last few years they've dumbed down news, sensationalised and ultimately created a culture of celebrity that even the media themselves believe it or can't see the wood for the tree's. If it's not immediately attention grabbing or senstaional, I think they believe they will loose custom / peoples interest. Even so called analysis has a sensational slant or bent on it.
Anyway, as to the Bank's taking responsibility. Actually, I tend to agree. As an Investment Banker, whose just had to take a 90% bonus reduction I too am pretty frikkin miffed about the whole situation especially as it appears that very poor decisions were being made at the head of the table. Unfortunately, these people's actions have dragged a whole industry into disrepute and potentially done irreversable damage to the UK economy. Political grandstanding, gesture politics and the media are only serving to make a bad situation worse as they have yet to address the real route cause of the banking crisis. The simple fact is central banks, govts and regulators failed to ensure a robust and sufficient regulatory environment was in place and now the whole thing has blown up in there faces. Unfortunately the pricks in charge of the banks didn't or couldn't fully understand the actual risks they were running so always wanted light touch regulation and whilst the gravey train runeth, the Govt was only to happy to take the billions a year in tax revenue (which coincidently we were subsequently running hugely lucrative tax avoidance schemes for our clients
Reforming the baning sector will take years, but stupid gesture politics (tax grabs) and villifying al those that work in it is not addressing the route cause issues. Unfortunately Financial regulation is so mind numbingly dull, it really won't warrant any column inch's even in that cnut Peston's blog. T*t.