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The good old canabis debate


Big, hairy, smelly thing.
Oct 22, 2001
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Yeah, it shows up, but think about it; hair grows about 1/2" a month, & very few people never get a haircut. Eventually, if u give up, all traces of the dope will have gone.


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001
bloody state

Cannabis is good.

A good old smoke after a day of paintball is a cracking way to relax.

Then again a joint before watching Russian Legion whip Avalanche at DMA is also good. :)

Its hard to say if it does lead onto harder drugs, fair enough some dealers may also sell harder drugs as well as cannabis and you could move up the drug chain that way, but its all to do with personal opinion. I have tried other drugs but not because cannabis "showed me the way" it was because it seemeds like a good idea at the time!

Mushrooms, however, are a head fcuk. :confused:


wanted like a bed sore
May 28, 2002
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well this is a long post!
I just thought I'd add my views but first some facts;
alcohol and nicotine are much more deadly than cannabis
cannabis is not chemically addictive
the only test the cops have is for the bi-products of cannabis matabolites so they cant do you for having done it there and then, only for doing it in the last month (roughly)
its is a gateway drug in the same way a cup of tea is, or chocolate etc.
it is bad cost you've got to go to dealers to get it, which also supply other drugs, hence why people think it is a gateway drug
if cannabis remains illegal, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol should all be made illegal as well
and now onto my point, cannabis is illegal cos of mis-information, in the past it was warnings of your soul being cast to morlock, now its how it leads to the downfall of society. People think propoganda doesnt happen now, hmmmmmmm, thats the whole point, you dont notice it!
I'm not going into my views on the medical use of cannabis, apart from it is completely insane to get patients addicted to morphine when and thc concentrate would work in most cases just as well. Recreationally, if you agree with drinking and smoking, i dont see how you can disapprove of cannabis. If you feel on the other hand all forms of intoication are wrong, well thats your right, and i respect your self control.
To conclude ;) ; who are the government to dictate which non-harmfull substances we can and cant have, whilst forcing harmful ones down our necks. Lets have some consistency!

Goodnight and god bless!


New Member
Originally posted by ABBA
and now onto my point, cannabis is illegal cos of mis-information, in the past it was warnings of your soul being cast to morlock, now its how it leads to the downfall of society. People think propoganda doesnt happen now, hmmmmmmm, thats the whole point, you dont notice it!
It'll never become legal because it grows wild so easily. There's no way to control it so there's no way to tax it. So as I see it, the only way for g'ments tomake any money from it is to fine people for posession. Altho it is no more imparing than Alcohol, and far less deadly, since there is no money in it, there's no reason to legalize it.

So, propaganda is created to make people think it is bad. Have you ever seen "Reefer madness"? circa 1936 I think. Oh my god is it funny. It's not supposed to be, but those tend to be the funniest films ...

And I'll leave you with a qoute from Eddie Izzard, "'2 langueges in one head? No one can live at that speed.' 'But the dutch speak 3 languages and Smoke marijuana.' 'Yes, but their cheating'"



***ud father
Apr 12, 2002
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Which harmful chemicals are your government forcing down your throat? Mine isn't forcing any down mine. I consume what I want to because I want to. However, your post seems to insinuate that cannabis isn't harmful when it is. I don't think it's worse or better than whatever, but it is not healthy.


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by ABBA

its is a gateway drug in the same way a cup of tea is, or chocolate etc.

If you could only have lived my life.

I've watched a family get ripped apart by marijauana use. And I've seen a man degenerate his life by smoking. He's self-medicating with Marijuana to keep himself 'down'.

You can't convince me that marijuana is a 'harmless' drug. Not after what I've seen it do. It may as wee have been a bomb, the effects would have been easier to treat.



wanted like a bed sore
May 28, 2002
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Hi guys, i didnt mean to offend anyone (sorry tyger). I didnt mean to say its all good and not harmful in anyway, I was stoned when i wrote it (talk about shooting yourself in the foot!). What i was trying to say in a round about way is that there are alot more harmful substances (such as caffeine nicotine and alcohol) which are legal, whereas cannabis is LESS harmful and is illegal. All i was calling for was a bit of continuity on how the government treats intoxicating substances.
Anyway, any drug which alters mental state can lead to mental problems if there is a predisposition in the person. For example a mate of mine ended up in a home because of speed, he's out now but will have this problem for life. I also know of plenty of people with a healthy addiction to nicotine, and if you were to take if off them you may think that they have mental problems.
I hope I've been more clear this time without offending anyone.
Sorry once again guys.



PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
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Hi there
well let me see i have been smoking weed nearlly every night for 10 years and i have no side affects what so ever.
O and another thing about it leading to harder drugs (ITS DOWN TO THE PERSON NOT THE DRUG) for instance i Had trips and wizz in me school days before i had even touched weed and thought what a load of ****e but a bit of weed to socilise and relax is the best :D

Well thats it for me (WHERE IS THE HOT THREADS BIT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HOMEPAGE:confused: :confused: