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The good old canabis debate


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by kris

I resent that Alex:D :( :D
my student flat smells of petals and mountain dew:)
Call yourself a student!

Pah you're a disgrace to the name ;)

Not that I was ever a proper student you understand, (unless you count 5 years day release at Manchester Met), but hell there's a principle and a stereotype at stake.



doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
There was ever a debate?

I thought it was clear cut.

Cannabis is bad (Mmmm'kay).

Not like tobacco and alcohol, coz they are good taxable drugs, which do you no harm at all! ;)

If anybody missed the key word in the above sentence, it was taxable


(and yes, you smart-a$$es out there, I did steal that quote from a certain Mr Hicks - no, not Alex, but Bill!) :cool:


VW's are the game
I agree that if a person chooses to smoke a Phatty every now and then so be it! But please please not at tournaments! Especially in the players tent! I would hate to have to explain to my Boss why I tested positive. Then to have them tell me I am out of a job, going to jail or given a direct order to stay away from paintball!:(


New Member
Aug 14, 2001
I like the occasional smoke but i don't think ppl should do it at tourney's and if they do they should at least do it somewhere unnoticable.


PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
Visit site

Hi there
I think it is stupid to smoke weed and then play ball just like it would be if you got pissed, But what i am saying is it does not lead to harder drugs for example i have smoked it for about 10 years nearlly ever night (LOL)

But as soon as i am not stoned i am normal just like beer
so whats the diffrence you just gotta treat it like (BEER)
Well thats what i think O and to all you ballers that smoke it when you play thats stupid and it makes you slow so no point

No offence taken Kris m8:)


Lord of the Ringtones
I'd certainly rather people not drink and drive home after tournaments, and I've never heard of someone get in a car wreck after enjoying some weed. Most of the cases I've heard of they sat around and ate pretzels and buffalo wings for a few hours then drove home. Taxable you say? Lame arguement. Goverments don't need to tax pot. They have too much money as it is. Why give them more? They're the ones that are irresponsible with money and out of touch with reality, and prone to the munchies as well. We need more stuff they don't/can't tax.