Originally posted by Beaker
I disagree with Urban, I think he doesn't realises the "importance" of some individual players within the industry. I can't see this happening to say Oli Lang or Lasoya say.
You may well be right. Though I realise that there are 'important' players out there, maybe I underestimate just how important they are.
I've always thought that, exceptions aside (added as I've just read PGI.. mm.. she's quite nice

), sponsors went for teams and not individuals. I see individuals as a very short term investment.
La Soya, for example, has a few years in him yet, but I'd heard of Avalanche and BL Iron Men long before I'd heard the name La Soya. Again, it may be my ignorance showing but I was under the impression that 'lanche, Iron Men, and the like were top of the heap before La Soya was even heard of?
Sponsors didn't pull the plug on Man United just because their La Soya (Cantona) went drop kicking members of the public, and I can't see paintball sponsors doing it either, if only for the simple reason someone else would step with a new sponsorship deal if they did.
Maybe I don't know enough about the La Soya's of this world and their importance. They are just players after all, albeit good ones.. someone care to fill this gap in my knowledge??