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The Big Game


Tippmann UK
Nov 3, 2003
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there was a marshall doing random chrono testing on the south side in the field

a lot of people were tested and he done this while taking many hits

hats off


Active Member
Feb 12, 2003
hay for my 1st time big game lol i fort it was ok shot lot's of northen player's

bad bit's some of that paint that was being sold was real **** sod of bin put in the bin NOT SOLD TO REC BALLER'S/player it looked like thay were geting shot of there old crap on players playing good cash for it

MUD yer it was bad but i yust walked round it as it's part of being in the wood's

food thay tryed there best to get us all feed 1 van did not tern up so that is out of there hand's **** happen's ;)

ref's for only £40 and not that meny i fort thay did the best job thay code 1 girl run frow like 30 dude's paint right on the front line (river) to check me she toke **** lods of hit's that take's fing gut's

thanks to all the player's that help me get to good spot's to shot northen player's lol ;) and POWER BALL FOR SOME VERY GOOD PAINT ;)

all in all a good day shot 6000 round's the most paint iv ever shot :rolleyes:

thanks to all that made it happen


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
Originally posted by mascot
i ****ing resent that. im not a moaner. im someone that wont put up wqith bull****. and that my friend is wht yesterday was. if you think that im paying 45 quid next year so i can be ****ed in the arse and then insulted afterwards your having a ****ing laugh.
at what point did i point this all at you?
i was mearly stating a fact that the first people to raise their voice are the moaners!

look at all the f*cking forums in the world and you will realise this!
sweet jesus P Nora on a stick!!! chill the f*ck out

fair enough you didnt like yesterday!
thanks for your critisism be sure i shall relay it onto the big honchos so that next year can be even better and buzzard free!


Kitten Katcher

trappeur de chates
Oct 23, 2003
Hampshire (NOT Portsmouth)
In summary - a good fun day

There were six of us who came up from the south and without exception, we all had a great day.

Site - when we saw the site on Saturday we thought it would be rubbish, but it turned out ok in the end. Not the best ever big game by a long shot - but it was a good laugh. Well done to Warped for making the best of bad deal :cool:

Mud - yeah, it was muddy. BUT - we got there early and found a table away from (most of) the mud and walked round the rest of it. The arrangement with the buses wasn't that bad and I never waited more than 10 minutes going either way. There could have been a few more signposts to the campsite though! :rolleyes:

£45 - a bit expensive when you don't get a party, or any inclusive paint, or a decent-sized field. I'm not one for complaining (as you probably tell!) but I think that Warped could do something in the way of compensation. EITHER a discount for next year OR a free DVD of the day. Talking of the DVD, some of those film crew girls were very fit ;)

280 fps - this was annoying. Anyone who has a any kind of mag with a lvl 10 (including x-mags etc) will know that you can't just turn down the fps - they won't work properly! I spent ages changing springs and stuff to get mine down to 279. Someone later told me that I needn't have bothered - hardly anyone was being checked!! Pleeease leave the fps alone for next year.

Thank you to everyone at Warped for working so hard and to our poor general (Brian) who did what he could in the circumstances and lastly to all the really nice players I met who made it a good day despite the setbacks. Although we lost (just) I believe I might be right in thinking that we had loads more kills than the north ;)


the brotherhood
May 16, 2002
isle of man
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to all you fecking moaners out there, any of you relise that the game site HAD to be changed TWO weeks before hand:eek: .all the work they had done on the origional site for 3 months had to be scrapped.
you may think you could do a better job catering for 700 ish moaning ballers with 2 weeks notice but i doubt it.

paul,jim,tim and everyone else out there that set this up,there are alot of people who appriciate what you had to do and are happy you didn't call it off at the last minute,we at least had a good day :) :) :) :) :) ,even though it took us 24 hours travelling:eek: :D


The brotherhood
Aug 1, 2003
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Best of a bad situation if you ask me.
Game area was smaller than i belived it was going to be, but couldn't be helped due to the site change.
Players marquee, over crowded and muddy, it's always going to be tight for space because every year everone has bigger kit bags and more stuff, but at least there was one and had it rained all our gear would have stayed dry( star wars last year camping in 6 inches of mud and 2 tables and as much cover fo a 100 or so players). as for the mud it had been raining what can you possibly expect. Some one has mentioned breaking the handle on their kit bag wheeling down the site, don't know what make was but planet sell theirs with "ground hugging wheels" fine for airports but not much good for any paintball site that i've been to.
Camping away from the site on a public site, not the best situation but couldn't be helped, lighting fireworks beneath trees not the best idea but it explains why they had a fire extinguisher to hand:D
My only gripes are that
1. Only one food stall, perhaps next year get a seperate stall for hot drinks only and another one for cold stuff like crisps and choccy bars and water( yes this is stuff we could bring ourselves but we can only carry so much stuff)
2. Not all the marshals were easily identifieable
, ie they weren't all wearing the same gear(seem to remember in previous years they all had bibs on)
Overall it wasn't the best but it won't stop me going back next year


Angel of Anarchy
Nov 3, 2003
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from spike on WOZ

As with Mascot above,this is my own opinion and not the "official" Geese comment.....I fully understand the problems that Jim and the rest of the Warped crew faced in making this game happen.However I think that prehaps it would have been better to cancel the game.I would have understood that,the 4x4 site I use is also closed at the moment due to nesting birds of prey.

The campsite was trully appalling...I found 2 toilets for the whole site,which even if you could spot them in the dark,did little to improove the conditions under foot given the number of Pikey dogs roaming the site.I was kept awake until 2.30am...not this time due to paintballers dry firing markers,but the group of pikeys next to us,shouting,screaming at each other and swearing at the kids.I was woken quite early by the coach parking with his exhaust next to my tent flap,still it saved me lighting the first fag of the day.

Arriving at the staging area,arms now three inches longer from carrying the kit half a mile,I find a lovely puddle of mud to set up in....no tables left,surely the number of players booked in should be some indication of the tables required? And when are game organisers going to stop insisting that ten paintballers can set up on a six by two table?

The game field was way way way too small....The game plan itself was very good,plenty of features to keep players busy all day,there just wasn't any room to move around.....Both sides played very well all day,both tried their best to use some good tactics,flanking attacks etc etc,but the only time they worked,was when a large part of the opposing team was off the field.Witness the big push by the South in the morning,not a lot of North players to be seen and the push worked...then South started to run out of gas and paint and as they left the field to resupply,more North players came back on the field and regained all the ground lost.The same happened in the afternoon but the other way around.
Marshalls,on the whole not bad,they let us get on with playing the game...on the other hand there were a couple of jobsworths out there,who really really ought to have a clue what they are talking about before they open there mouths...just because you're the Saturday boy at some paintball shop doesn't make you an expert on all things paintball...to the marshall who accussed me of having an A5 that was ramping(and no not a response or even an elecky trigger fitted) I have to say you trully are a Fool.

On the whole I didn't enjoy the weekend,apart from meeting up with all the good people of paintball and making some new friends...I feel that cancelling the event would have left a few less disgruntled players than going ahead with the lashed up affair it was.


The brotherhood
Aug 1, 2003
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Originally posted by steroberts
lol, fire extinguishers. That made me laff, you brotherhood lads need to get your aim better for next time ;). Long live warped mercs! :D.
Better aim, i think that means less beer, anyway iwas aiming at the trees:D :D