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The Big Game

Jack Daniels

feckking pissed.....again
sorry guys. but all factors considered. my day was ****. i found it a complete naus walking 3 feckin miles to respawn every time some jumped up little twat of a southerner with a hot gun took me out. and im sorry but there was a LOT of southern guns that were running way over 300 !!!!

not only that but the game structure, in my opinion, was way too basic. it was like a lose/lose situation all the way along the main front line.

I personally, along with a lot of people that i played with on the day were very dissalusioned by the whole thing. And i have played the last 3 of these games. and this one has been the worst. including last year's one which i didnt really rate.

just MY 2p's worth.

and to add i wont be visiting the big game for at least another year.

lets see what they come up with in 2007 !!!!


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
As for stuff going missing - some ****er nicked some full pots of paint i had sitting under my bench , i mean not exactly expensive but a real gyppo trick to pull,other than that i enjoyed myself but it was NOT worth £45 quid ,I realise there were hassles with the site but the lack of parking sucked, no party and bunkering behind and on top of bl**dy razorwire bushes was a painfull experience- just a walk-on not a big game - heres hoping kiddiminster does something that kicks ass.


Angel of Anarchy
Nov 3, 2003
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before i go on this rant (and rant i will) id just like to point out that this is entirely my point of view and nothing to do with topcats paintball.

that was without a doubt the biggest missed abortion of a big game ive seen from any promoter/site for the 3 years ive been balling. as has ben mentioned above, i realise that were environmental issues ,what with the tweeting birdies etc. but right from the word go bg2k5 was one big let down after another.

at the outset it looked like it was gonna be a really amazig scenario with lots of effort put in from the guys at warped and eveyone involved with some genuinly good ideas (getting the fuel for the convoys was imo a great idea. then having to get the peices for the bridge to get em across the "river" etc. all good stuff). promises of a great pleayer party with an outdoor bar etc.

but having to move the site threw a huge lump of the born stuff into the airconditioning. making 300 paintballers camp in a regular camp site with families and kids in it (not to mention the little chav larva riding their mopeds off road (read small bumpy bits of grass) round the tents at 7 in the bloody morning.) was just stupid. we were told " sorry. theirs no player party so your gonna have to make your own entertainment" one minute. an the next we are told " everyone has to keep the noise down. the forestry comission are threatening to call the game off unless you all shut up"

then there was the 3 mile trip from the campsite to the gamesite via a fleet of circa 1970 coaches. until we got to the hell that was the "staging zone" (rofl) this consisted of a huge marquee with some rented fold up tables and mud. LOTS of mud, possibly all of the mud inthe world.

infact i have a sinking feeling (non deliberate pun left in) that the guys from warped hired some firehoses and earth moving equipment just to churn the floor up a bit before the game. (shouldnt have left it all coiled up by the northern half of the staging area btw, bit of a clue)

call me picky but if your organising an event this big, its not too much to ask that you provide us with somewhere clean(ish) and above all DRY for us to set up the hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of equipment that you know damn well we are going to bring. i dont know if any of you hae ever tried to take the ram out of an angel (bret THANK YOU)when the table you are working on is getting lower by the minute cos its sinking into the mud (did i mentionthe mud? oh, i did....)

as it is. ALL of my kit is filthy, my cleats are well and truly shafted, and i snapped the handle off my jt rollbag trying to drag it though the quagmire at teh end f the day. i know that your gonna get filthy at a game like this. but i just dont feel it needs to happen in the safe zone. i dont know if you guys know what happens when you mix 500 gallons of water 70 tons of clay and 700 paintballers for 7 hours. but it closes resembles what happend when you give puppies curry. now imagine trying to set up in this. i guess the topcats were lucky tho. we managed to bag 2 tables (30 meters apart but beggars cant be choosers. not that it helped to coordinate teh team tho) a lot of people were having to set up in the mud.

someone above mentioned hot guns. it woouldnt surprise me in the slightest. the chrono was right next to the exit for the game. and everytime you went nearit you had a marshall yelling at you that you couldnt go back on feild through there. at no point during the day did any of the marshalls attempt to get me to chrono my gun (275 fps in case you were wondering lol)

tho when i lent a mate of mine my speed to try it out. he was pulled out of the game by a marshall who said, and i quote " that angel is ramping. you cant use it here. i shoot angels for a living and i know ramping when i see it. i want to check your gun." my mate dulyhanded it over. the marshall blew a hopper load of paint and then gave it back and said "play on". as my friend was tryig to get cover he wasshot literally 2 seconds after the marshall said play on, and the aforesaid marshall promptly eliminated him. if the marshal wanted to try the gun surely he could have just asked? :p

im not gonna say anyting else about the game apart from the fact that previus big games suffered from skirmish lines. where you would just get 2 lines of people throwing paint at each other all day. this being the case whose great idea was it to put a bloody great river in the middle of the feild. we all knew the game was gonna be skirmish line. you didnt need to enforce it.

the feild itself was also tiny, with player at saturation point (literally every 10 meters or so) and not much in the way of alternative routes to get places. but thats a different rant for a different day.

much love and props etc to the guys at warped. i know a lot of this was out of your control, and i know you tried to make the best of a really bad job. i just cant help but feel you would have pissed a lot less people off if you had just cancelled and reshceduled (sp?) rather than try and rush something together at the last minute.

like i said above. this is my 0.02p (actually its more like 20 quids worth....) and has nothing to do with the views of my team etc etc blah blah you get the idea.

2am?!! damn that took a while to type. im off to bed :D

i forgot to add my congratulations to the bitter drinking monkeys fromthe cold part of town. less than 100 points in it :D ill bet your all shagging your whippets tonight and waving your flat caps with glee :D

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Originally posted by andyp1
Eric, please tell me that the rumour of all your gear going walkies along with other peoples isnt true

and i too found it very repetative, but still enjoyed myself.
Seems it is a widespread rumour which in my case is


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
i did say in the weather thread that it was muddy there!

every step was taken to make it as dry as possible

the hoses you saw were from a vaccum pump to get the water OFF the site

its a shame that there seems to be so much negative vibes going down about this

if you had seen the effort that has gone into making the site playable then you would appreciate how hard the warped family have worked to get this game on the road!

postponement would have been a waste of time for the cannock site as it would have only been open to play again in late august

we had a game to put on and we did it with blood sweat and tears!

i thought it was awesome and i wasnt even playing!
just wish i could have got in the combat

appreciate it was a long day, and it was stated that it was going to be real time, no lunch break and constant action

when more people have woken up and soothed thier aching limbs and replied to this thread then hopefully we will get a more accurate view of how everyone feels! as the first people to shout about something are usually the moaners!

peace and love all


scaba frashin mnnnn
Oct 29, 2003
lurking around surrey
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right not to go against a team mate and that but i had fun i like the fact that you didnt have to trek 100`s of miles once in the game to find somthing to do, the game zone was very open and quick. as for a northerner shouting about hot south guns a few posts up i got hit by somthing that seem a little to hard from a north gun so it goes on on both sides(not saying its right btw) unless warped put a marshell on the crono at both insertion points next time as you reenter ala star wars/kennys and only reishue arm bands once the marshel has checked the crono then not a lot you are gonna be able to do about it .

i took a mate who hadnt played for 10 years with and gave him a angle lcd to borrow only got shot out 4 times all day and now wants to get back into doing walk ons so it cant have been that bad. i also once shot out only came back to the satging area only to pot up and get back out there. i had fun not the best big game i went to but i had fun . chers to the warped guys for sorting out a hi vis jacket for my girlfriend so she could take photos and then conscripting her as a marshel she enjoyed it . she couldnt play due to a injury at a game earlier this year.

right gripes
camping like mascot said about 3 miles from the game site. needs to be on the site. next time unless the the camping is on the game site might think twice about it also warped a full postel address for tackeroo somwhare either on line or the booklet would have been nice as we seemd to take about a dozen wrong turns trying to find it and once we found the camp site to then find out that we then had to trek 3 miles up the road to sign in and regester after a couple of hours not good. and then having to drag the gear to the campsit gate when the coaches were turning round in the campe site.

food 1 little van for 700 players again not good. waited 30 mins in que for food to be told that only sauges sandwiches and chips are available i took it out of desperation more than anything else.

the quag mire of the staging zone floor some wood chippings or straw would have soaked that up .

a couple of issues with the marshel a team mates stepson was pulled off a couple of times for splashes and old staines.

there seemed to be no one cordinating at the campe site either that would have been a nice touch, as people seemed not to sure about what was going on i.e do you pitch the ten first or sighn in or what .

had fun glad i went need that walk in the woods to clear my head after all the bouncy castle practis latley . maybee a n v s back on a propper site next year would be good nice try with the custom built sit but didnt quite get there had fun but as i said earlier not the best big game i have been to


Bog eyed
Jan 16, 2005
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First Big Game

My first big game and as a regular player of walkons I found it had some good and some bad points. Like someone has already mentioned though it is one big walkon event in the woods, and facilities are limited so I'll keep this simple.

Good points.
Atmosphere - Outstanding, lots of players , lots of smiles lots of friendly chats. Some good banter to be had.

Bad points.
Toilet facilities on campsite - Surprised no-one has dysentry
Parking - we took one jeep with 24 boxes of paint and 8 players gear to site and had to beg to park in the woods.
Food Van - Absolute Joke, our guys waited nearly an hour
Staging area - Southern end was horrendous and I played for the north.
One kid and I mean kid (15 max) in the crono area without a mask, yet there were 3 marshalls in there. Players told him to sort his mask out.
Marshall in the crono zone didn't know what they were doing.
Where was the random cronoing ?
Interesting how we were advised to drink plenty of fluids, yet it took an hour queuing up to get some.
Players party outside my tent. (Did I F*** up pitching it there or wot)

Despite the bad points I will return next year simply for the atmosphere with everyone, The social part of the event is definately worthwhile and me n the lads had a really good laugh.

Did I mention FOOD cos that really gave me the hump.


Angel of Anarchy
Nov 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Sick Psyko
as the first people to shout about something are usually the moaners!

peace and love all
i ****ing resent that. im not a moaner. im someone that wont put up wqith bull****. and that my friend is wht yesterday was. if you think that im paying 45 quid next year so i can be ****ed in the arse and then insulted afterwards your having a ****ing laugh.


Better luck next time

I'd like to thank the Warped Sports lads for a great day in the end- whilst the overall event was nowhere near the previous standard they and others have set they all seemed to work their arses off in order to give us the best day they could. I really felt for the organisers by the end of the day- the whole buzzards business was about as crappy a situation as could come about and they did a sterling job giving us a game that the majority seemed to enjoy. I'm sure lessons have been learned (shoot the damn buzzards) and any failings on the day certainly weren't through any lack of bloody hard work. It was amazing to see such a huge range of vendors present and I really hope that trend will continue in future, as they all seemed busy and no doubt would have done more business if the site and camping had been closer. It was also great to see some of the serious tourney types out getting muddy with the rest of us plebs so respect to Ledz and the rest of the Nexoids for leaving the glam behind and getting stuck in. If you'd told me I'd ever see a sloth dressed like a tree....:D
I thought the coaches ran very well and were a workable and no doubt very expensive solution to the problem, and certainly by the time I dragged my weary carcass to the bus I was able to get on board quickly and was back at the campsite in 10 minutes. Ok, the field was (in my opinion) too small and sparse, and the staging could have been better, but my group all had a great time and did a lot of killin' and I for one look forward to heading out to see what Warped can show us in 2006 with this low point forgotten.

Also- big ups to Lisa and the family who fed us all day- ok the queues were huge but they started at 5am and didn't stop working flat out all day. By the end of the day they were all half dead but still smiling so thanks a lot for that. Next year we might need a bit more choice if only to give them some time to breathe etc.


New Member
Mar 15, 2005
Bridport, Uk
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well, havta say it was great fun, 1st big game, only been playing a few times in the past few years.......so its cool

Good points....
er, pitching up tent next a damn fine birds tent...
randomly finding the south ten area
having a laugh with people
the site (considering the late change)
sure theres more
Mascot lending me 2 C02 canisters, and letting me keep one of 'em, Cheers dude

Bad points...
As has been said, once or twice MUD in the main marquee
Lack of organisation, as in... the promise of squad based action...where was that? it was pure trench war. my mate was a rental, an he said his marker was crap, an the amount of people bringing there's back to get a working one, while my C02 was filling.
having to travel up north, 200 miles, only to get beaten by them...../sigh. lol
The bloke in cover next to me......accidently shooting me point blank......with his eblade.....Owwwwww

Meh points....
PAINT.. ok, £25 for a case, thats good
i got severe Storm. hard as bugger, it wasn't that loads of people were wiping, but a lot of people had bounces, i got hit lots of times, for it to not burst, but, that does work both ways.

all in all it was a letdown, dont get me wrong, it was fun, but a real letdown none the less.
Probably go next time though.