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Team Playbook, to Pete, and all.

Justin Owen

American BadAss
Jul 10, 2001
Kenner, LA USA
Visit site

That ain't what you told me last time we shared candlelight Kentucky Fried Chick'n!!!
By the way, me and the goat are ancient history...but my miniature pony's gonna be soooo disappointed.
Goat dumped you huh? I told ya b4, goats an poodles don't mix.

What Pantball Gear? shipping on Monday...Tha Antman sent me an advance copy and it looks soooooooooooooo cool. Nice review of THAT marker dude...think that's one company won't be looking to sponsor you.

Not that it wasn't justified by the sounds of it though...


Justin Owen

American BadAss
Jul 10, 2001
Kenner, LA USA
Visit site

>>>>Goat dumped you huh? I told ya b4, goats an poodles don't mix.<<<<

Naw, but I had to let the goat go. I actually sold it to a Voodoo guy in Jamaica so I could sidestep the Arkansas Alimony Law, which dictates that support payments be made to any farm animal that is divorced from its owner after at least six months of ownership. The Voodoo priest tells me he's already successfully sacrificed the goat, so I'm in the clear.

I still need to break the news to our son, though...and I expect ol' Goat Boy will be very upset. I'm waiting to make sure he's not appearing on this weekend's edition of Saturday Night Live, and then I'll tell him.

>>>>What Pantball Gear? shipping on Monday...Tha Antman sent me an advance copy and it looks soooooooooooooo cool.<<<<

SWEET!!! I can't wait.

>>>>Nice review of THAT marker dude...think that's one company won't be looking to sponsor you.<<<<


>>>>Not that it wasn't justified by the sounds of it though...<<<<

Oh it was justified...most importantly, the review was fair. I can't imagine that they'll be surprised, especially considering the new bunch of entries into that same market as of late.



Well-Known Member
Hey, I threw a party and everyone showed!
My question was if Pete meant, have a playbook, or set up plays at the field, that's all. I set up plays at the field also, I was just wondering how it would be possible to develope a playbook, if this was, in fact, what Pete was going for. Thanks to ya'll for writing to me though, except Pete!
The problem now is, don't teams already do this? And if they already do, then what are all of these, "set plays," articles about? Obviously, as usual, I'm missing something.


Well-Known Member
Oh, hey, I wanna write for PGI too! I can cover the huge scene here in the mid-west! Little sarcasm there, although there are a lot more fields runnin' around here lately. My story idea for you guys is to write about all the Toys for Tots tourneys that are being thrown of late, it can only make the sport look good.
Take care, all.:)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Manning : Your Reply :)

You are right Manning, there is no way you could have a definitive play-book as field designs vary from tournament to tournament but there are some set-plays that could be termed as ‘general’.
Micah seems to have missed the point completely because I think he hasn’t read the article you are referring to, so I will now hope to clarify a few things.
I am not saying that you can have set-plays nailed right down to a pre-set catalogue of moves that you could call up much like they do in American football but I am suggesting something that is not too far removed.
The nature of these plays is unlike chess moves or strategies because in paintball, at this stage of our development, we are really looking for this to be a one-shot deal.
In other words, whatever play we select, should be a significant determinant in ending the game whereas in chess and American football, it is more a series of plays that combine for a victory.
I am not saying that more than one play can’t be used but we are on the first rung of the evolutionary ladder here not half way up the damn thing.
The nature of the set-plays is not whether or not a snake should be taken just because an opposing player has dived headlong into it, my God, that sort of play has been going on since there were snakes on Sup’ Air fields and is nothing new so I don’t really know why Micah would even mention it, apples or no apples !!!
The set-plays I am advocating are more sophisticated than that, not much more I must add.
You have all seen a game where say, somebody like Avalanche or SC Ironmen play a game where they smash the living daylights out of their opponents with bunker moves all over the frikkin place.
Now these games when they happen are not orchestrated, they just happen like that sometimes in what looks like a series of set-plays.
They are not set-plays at all but by default they emulate them.
Now self-evidently, these bunker moves that at rare times are obviously achievable can be reproduced if practiced and refined and team’s do not have to wait for them to happen, they can make them happen if they recognise the significant components of that move and practice them time and again.
So far from taking some poor fool out of a snake, I am advocating a series of moves from multiple players with a select goal in mind.
Field design, although variable does conform to a few general rules, approximate same number of bunkers per field and if you think about it, approximately the same lay out.
After all, you have a small field with flanks, middle ground and back positions to cover, I mean, there ain’t that many variations on that limited theme you can perform.
That said, herein lies the tacticians dream as I mentioned in the article because, if he perseveres, he can practice a limited number of set-plays that have at their heart, opponent removal and acquisition of forward angles and bunkers as well as winning the game itself.
Remember, for the most part, if your set play can achieve a 3:2 (roughly) kill ratio (in a seven man) then the game is basically a done deal anyway.
So although the set play may well not have the end game in its design, it will undoubtedly predispose teams to finish quickly if and when the set play was successful.
The American football book of set-plays is comprehensive, we would have a book but it would be a general approach book and not too many pages in it at this stage !
I hope this has gone some way at least in reducing the confusion :)



New Member
i know it sounded sarcastic ...

But seriously Justin, You're one of my favorite writers

And my example wasn't just limited to fruit although thats all I used ... Ex. Shooting Dice ment "my gun's down"

And what I ment by the only took 500 words bit. For me, to use all of the specitfics that you did, it would take me ... well, a hell of alot more words that that ... I don't really know cuz I didn't do it.
I tent to just go on and on and on ... and on ....

I seriously look forword to reading your articals when ever I can and most of them i can get through in one sitting.

Sorry about the scarcasim ... it's just so hard to interpret tone on a message board. My bad

And when are you/PGI producing this book for the mortals out in pball-land duder?

Or is that really Justin pretending to be Robo pretending to be Justin pretending to be Robo?

Hmm. One tha one hand I'd say it was Mr Verbiosity, for obvious reasons...but no, it's robo, cos it all makes sense.

