I would just like to express my dissapointment that team Havoc decided just to get up and leave on the Sunday at Campaign. They were in our group which already had a no show team which meant that we only got to play 3 games on Sunday.
The reason I heard they left was because of bad reffing which I personally think is a very selfish reason as you left a few times high and dry and an extra game down.
Ok so you heard we left because of bad calls and thought I know I'll make these guys look like selfish winkers and start a post on here to cause a bit of trouble.
Well how very mature of you.
Did you get a 1-4-1 for asking the marshall if the games was over and could you come out of the dead box?
Or asking why a marshall didn't do a paint check on you when you asked for it? so he 1-4-1s you.
We threw in the towel because it was pointless going out on the field. our paint wasn't shooting it's best and if I'm not enjoying it then what is the point I'm not gonna go out on the field and get raped just to keep you happy.
So you got one less game, you got your 3+5 for it.
You all say the marshalling was great well Saturday was top draw fair marshalling.
Sunday was inconsistent and at times unfair a lot of teams could be heard moaning about getting 1-4-1's for stupid reasons.
and the whole no tape on your barrell because it counts as a sticker was bollox.
But hey if it wasn't us you started a slag off thread about i wonder if it would have been team invisible or team anarchy for not turining up instead but alas no mention if them being selfish of leaving teams high and dry.