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***ud father
Apr 12, 2002
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My fave is "My Balls, Your Face" then I gog someone. To Crazypbkid, if you're a 13 year old as your sig suggests, then the next time I have sex with your mama I'll make sure and tell her to wash your mouth out with soap.:eek:

count mack-ula

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May 23, 2002
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if you play hard, ya gotta love taunting, nothin is more satisfying than makin the other guy want to kill you just before you paint him/herup. Whil obscenities will often get you kicked out, a mere "swallow it all!!" before you start paintin will get the job done quite nicely, and its amuzing, what more do ya need?


New Member
Aug 14, 2001
i find that if they keep shooting at you and still miss then sitting up(after having a careful look about) and waving at them really annoys them. Then you go and bring it down on them :D


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May 8, 2002
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your mom

my gun jammed the other day at the start of a game of rec-ball speedball, so i just tried to get the other team's attention and be a distraction. when there was only one guy left, i would have bunkered him but since my gun wouldn't shoot i couldn't. so instead i sat right in front of him, like only 15 feet, and just kept yelling shoot me shoot me i'm wide open, hit me dude, i'm an easy target, and he didn't listen. so i started yelling stuff about his mom being better than him, but finally one of my guys moved up and got him out.


Lord of the Ringtones
More taunts from the never ending insult factory...

"Wow that's a long barrel...Hey, you're shots still aren't close enough though--need a step ladder?"
"Hooked on practice paint really worked for me!"
"The force is not with you, little one. Try the target range."
"Hey, someone switch this guy off of Comedy Central's Moron-a-Thon. If I wanted this kind of laugh I'd work at a retarded school."
"This ain't a golf course buddy. Shots on the grass don't count."
"Hey, I think the Special Olympics has a spot for you!"
"I'm totally a figment of your imagination. To hit me use your brain. If that fails just keep doing what you're doing."