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Dedicated Pot Bitch
Aug 23, 2001
US, Ohio
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The best case i've ever seen of visual taunting was a rec ball game. A ref who was playing that day just sets down his marker, drops his pants, and moons a guy on the other team. Talk about laughing your ass off.


Paintball Addict
Originally posted by KillerOnion
and of course the classic "How's your wife and my kids doing?"
I love that one. Then there's "Do you have a daughter?" Ask them a few times, they'll most likely ignore you the first couple. If they answer yes, just say something along the lines of "OH, I know....I woke up next her this morning". If they say no, just yell "That's OK, your wife suits me just fine". :D

Note: My buddy used this on a cop one night when a fight broke out at a bar, I found it better suited for paintball. :)


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

Originally posted by SpectorX
LOL, I nominate KO to be the first to do the strip dance....lololol :D :D :D
damn im gone for 4 days and u people ask KO to strip dance!!!??? KO whats going on over there!!!!!???:confused:


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by eric

The best case i've ever seen of visual taunting was a rec ball game. A ref who was playing that day just sets down his marker, drops his pants, and moons a guy on the other team. Talk about laughing your ass off.
Proper line to throw back "WOW! What a HUGE TARGET to shoot at! Too bad they'll all bounce off that flab!"

Taunting... ahh... you're all amateurs! If the best you can do is moon the other guy or flip him off, then you need to learn.

My best taunt. Works when I'm shooting my PMI-2, modified to a DF. "HEY YOU!" Just a general opening. "How much did YOU pay for that gun?" They shoot paint. "THIS is a P-M-I-2! This gun cost me FIFTY BUCKS! That's like, WHAT? a FRACTION of your gun? SHOW ME WHAT FIFTEEN HUNDRED BUCKS can buy! I see you shootin', but I don't see you HITTIN'! For FIFTEEN HUNDRED BUCKS the GUN can't suck! So far, I AM NOT IMPRESSED!"

I made the guy SO MAD he tried to rush me. I shot him, the five guys in my position shot him, and the ten guys BEHIND me shot him! Don't rush the enemy at a "World Record Game".

Then there's the answers. "Where is my backup guys?" "THEY WERE DELICIOUS!" An opponent yells "Is anyone in that bunker?" And I say "Yes, ME!"
And, while shooting my SC Phantom in a speedball field : "PLAYER! Check your wrist! YOU ARE HIT! NOW GET OFF MY FIELD!" That turned a few heads.

And I'm not even talking about "Zen Player Bob"!

-Tyger, "Smart Ass Sensai"


Lord of the Ringtones
"Hey, did you forget to wake up this morning, or are you gonna keep dreaming you'll hit me!" "Ooh an Angel...DIDN'T YOU HEAR THE BRITS LOST LAST TIME THEY INVADED US!" "Why don't you just give me the $5 you're shooting at me, step out of bounds, and use the change to get a burger!" "Hey NO PARKING HERE! THIS IS NOT A MENTALLY HANDICAPPED ZONE!" "Please tell me you don't actually do anything requiring eyesight for a living!" "Yeah, you're team's dead, and I smell your pants from here." "HEY MOVE! GET OUT OF THE WAY OF MY PAINT! YES, THE AIR IS WORTH MORE THAN YOU AS A TARGET!" "Yeah, I'm an @$$h0le, an @$$h0le that shoots better than you, and I'm going to be here ALL DAY and you're going home before the finals. IT'S A LONG DRIVE."

More coming...


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
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Hiya Onion...Did u get the e-mail with the recipe u wanted?

Whats all these taunts...I'm sensing too much pent up aggression here!! Heres a good one (NOT to be tried at a tournement though!) On the last game of the day with 60 seconds to go ur team stand up, hold their guns in the air and SINGS..."All we are saying...is give peace a chance..etc" It totally floors the marshalls & the opposing team dont know what the f*** is going on. You'd be surprised how many teams WONT shoot you!! Go on TRY it!!


Have some champagne.....
Feb 7, 2002
Clarksville, TN
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With my friends ( who are mostly immature), just yell out something with the word penis in it. It could be allmost anything. Maybe "That Damn Squirell bit my penis!!" or "Damn! My Penis keeps getting in my way!"