OK, Well the logo is just not a team thing, Apocalypse now has its own pauntball site, team training arena and soon to be shop, And guess whos running it all? Hence i, pretty safe with the tattoo and not leaving the team
As for 4 horsemen, thats a long story...
There was originally....
Famine - Me, Skinny tall bloke who was a head chef at the time.
Pestilence - Paul, Man who had 4 skin diseases on his legs!!
War - Ken, little chinese fella, looked like a samurai
Death - Jaffe, Bald headed piercing freak. Looked like ****, but also death
And VAT Man - The only other thing u r sure of
Over the years we have lost War and death. And havent replaced them, we tried but the new guys just didnt suit the names so well.
So there is a lot of history with Apoc, and most of it makes sense, well it does when you are sitting at Temple late saturday night, stoned out of your head watching the planes land. Sometimes things just fit