The reason I think Ron is the answer is as follows.
He runs 6 teams now, well, and he rules them with an iron hand, though he is universally respected.
He know the rules inside and out, he knows the players inside and out.
He can inspire better reffing through his own actions, and the actions of a self-picked crew of people. He has been in the game for 17 years and knows the people he needs already.
He knows he can do it, and make a difference.
He requires no training whatsoever.
He is based in SoCal, has his own feilds, compressers etc, and already sets up 6 team practices weekly, which provides a weekly training platform 12 months a year.
I don't know of anyone more qualified.
Re. ref sharing between leagues. Its a great idea of course. NPPL refs already ref the PSP - including Dan Perez. Boogie has also reffed several NPPL events.
Then again - if we end up with one legitimate league by the end of the year, the solution may just present itself.....
Chicago - you don't miss a single opportunity to be a dick, do you. Loco is the conspiracy theorist, and he does a good job of it. You just come across as a twat with a bogus agenda. If you are hoping to fill the cows' shoes you are doing a terrible job of it. You are simply not informed enough to pull it off.
Ref rating has already been discussed with a veiw to implementing a bonus scheme for the next event. I think I mentioned that in my first post.