Full marks to the lads at SWAT and the main man Bully for organising the ruck.
We aint the NPPL or the Milennium Series and not every field, or team for that matter, is equipped for top level tournaments so we can't really complain about the venue (ish).
The only problem being is that the fields were'nt as good as expected for some of us and a large number of teams will more than likely opt out if an event is held there again, especially concerning the theft of some gear which should really have been observed by the venue owners considering the lack of space in the safe zone for more than about 3 teams. The teams participating really do need to be looked after especially if this thing has happened before, which I'd be very surprised if it hasn't.
Cheers to Rob from Inferno for telling me which hole to cover up when he tried to shoot my feet off through it. Nice one son. PLUS, a big thanks to the guys on Inferno for helping us out when Dryll smashed his knee in. Cheers dudes. True athletes, not as much as us but still, athletes all the same (hehe)
We aint the NPPL or the Milennium Series and not every field, or team for that matter, is equipped for top level tournaments so we can't really complain about the venue (ish).
The only problem being is that the fields were'nt as good as expected for some of us and a large number of teams will more than likely opt out if an event is held there again, especially concerning the theft of some gear which should really have been observed by the venue owners considering the lack of space in the safe zone for more than about 3 teams. The teams participating really do need to be looked after especially if this thing has happened before, which I'd be very surprised if it hasn't.
Cheers to Rob from Inferno for telling me which hole to cover up when he tried to shoot my feet off through it. Nice one son. PLUS, a big thanks to the guys on Inferno for helping us out when Dryll smashed his knee in. Cheers dudes. True athletes, not as much as us but still, athletes all the same (hehe)