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swat big game


Better Things 2 Do!
despite the name no changes will be made

Originally posted by nutz

Dear Swat Paintball,

There is only one BIG GAME and it is that of Warped Sports, there is to promote the biggest walk on day in Europe. Its gonna be 1000 players in 2k3 and the places are filling up fast with people already asking to book! This one will sell out by Christmas or late January!


Chris White
(On behalf of Warped Sports Ltd. Wolverhampton)

swat comments , get a life, is this the official warped sports comment,
This might clear some things up.

I was in warped last night talking to Paul Parkes and can tell you this is not the view of warped infact he is quite pi$$ed that this was even thought as such and words will be had with Chris White (who I believe doesn't work for warped - just a mod on the forum and u know how the power goes to their heads :)).

Paul has been playing for a quite while and knows the more big games put on by people around the country i.e kenny's, Big Game 2k3, SWAT, etc are nothing but good news for all ballers from rec to tourney players ( how many tourney only players had fun at kenny's - I leave it at that :) )

So don't take the rantings of someone who thought they were trying to help warped as the word of warped - I know most of the warped guys cause they drink in my pub and they are all sound.


May 22, 2002
tortoise licker

no no no my man, angels are not banned that is the name of the band, no angels, is the band not banned,
i have a lovely shiney silver ir3 myself, the only thing it does not do is the dishes,
tortoise licker

Originally posted by nutz
no no no my man, angels are not banned that is the name of the band, no angels, is the band not banned,
i have a lovely shiney silver ir3 myself, the only thing it does not do is the dishes,
Hehe I know I was Philip Fishing, seeing as he is Anti-angel. Ps do us a favour Nutz. Next time you see philip have a camera with you and take a photo of him. I sense a photo merge moment coming up:D :D :D


May 22, 2002
other entertainment

strippers both female and male, of course we have ladies playing at the big game, and we must cater for all tastes, but this is subject to demand !!
other entertainment

Originally posted by nutz
strippers both female and male, of course we have ladies playing at the big game, and we must cater for all tastes, but this is subject to demand !!
demand demand demand!!! there that good enough for ya and no we dont want a fat'o'gram phil is coming already:D

Remind me that I have to get to the food before phil does or there won't be any left.
Or is he having a hog roast to himself
:D :D