Please bear in mind "it" has been eating threads all week.
I have veiwed 3 times and tried to post as well.
I have spent much of my at tourney time asking the players the same questions.
What they would like out of tourneys.
And i admit it's hard to get a responce, my findings were the no offence to any one. The older players didn't seam to mind the woods whilst the younger more competative players wanted concept.
I also think every one likes nice facilitys but once your there the tourney kinda takes over and the fact that your up to your ankles in mud passes you by till your playing like sh-t or it rains.
At a me and the site level.
I have finally reclaimed my tree free field

even if it had other idears so First torney of our year will have supair
I will have hyperball too mabey not tomrow but some day and soon, shame it's so expensive it makes supair look reasonable.
Good luck with this thread I too am very intrested in the results.
Stepping away form the purist nature what else makes a good tourney players?