When I came back from getting lunch on Sunday, I saw 3 lads with carrier bags full of paint walking across the road, throwing it at cars. One of the bags had burst and left a big pile of it in the middle of Dunsford Road.
Being in the middle of what looks like a residential estate, there are unfortunately a bazillion places for stuff to hide/get stashed. Also, very easy for the have-a-go contingency to try it on and see what they can lift.
I even said to Cockersrule on the sunday when he was packing up not to leave stuff in the open. Even just to come to my car and pick up his new pack. When everybody is packing up and leaving, nobody is going to question someone walking off with a kit bag.
The actions of what was probably one or two bad apples, have left us suspicious of all the kids on site this weekend - most of whom may have had nothing to do with it, and probably enjoyed the day.