Originally posted by ollytheosteo
Tell me about it
We stood around at the Pyramid of Kenny-Ra for ages braced for an all-out fight before realising no-one was coming to attack it. Some alien types did show up at about 12:29 just in time for the horn to go off but it turned out most of the action was around our other base
haha! yeah, and a few guys come running up, I see a guy with a red bottle cover and he takes a few shots from me, sorry about that mate if you're on here, im sure it was the only case of friendly fire all day
i had a great time, the mighty baal let you off lightly this time!!!
Once, when i got shot and called myself out, the guy who shot me waved and sed thx, nice try. Which i did think was nice. .
were you in orange (i think) advancing up the speedball style area, up the tape? i have a vague recollection