DMW's are fine and they can look great if pulled off correctly and within the RULES,but you can also look like a mug if they dont,if any player in your team was to do a DMW and they won you a game im sure you would be very gratefull.
Nicky T,Chris Edwards and Myself all had reputations for doing DMW's and these were at major event's in europe and the states against alot of top teams,unfortunatly when you get this sort of rep you live with the consequences(bonus ballin),you have to accept it because you created that rep no-one else.I've had players do it to teams i played for but it was our fault for letting them get away with it,if there hand is not on their head as Nicky said just give then 1 ball to make sure.
If its done within the rules then well done to the player that had the balls to do it and when i say within the rules allways call over a ref so they know what is going on,keep your arms down by your side and clearly stay within the field boundry.
jf21 after what you did at campaign for your team DMW's should be the last thing you comment on!!!