Originally posted by T.B.F.K.A.T.L.
Okay explain us away then? We haven't won loads of tourneys and yet we have a full sponsorship portfolio.
I don't know about your case, but a lot of teams list several "sponsors" in their posts.
To my mind Sponsorship is the team receiving something (Be it cash, free stuff or discounts.) in exchange for the company's brands being promoted. E.g. Mr KickAss wants to buy a marker, he only wants one but he plays for a top-level team and there will be photos of him mugging people with it in all the mags and DVDs. A company offers him a discounted (or possibly free) marker to persuade him to use their marker. As a result the company sells a huge number of markers in part due to reflected glory from the player.
For that to work, the increase in the company’s profit from that teams promotion of their brands would have to be bigger than the cost of sponsorship, with the exception of rare instances of charitable sponsorship, E.g. site owner’s kid’s team. But wide spread use of this would be a suicidal business plan, as it basically amounts to giving something away for free.
Because sponsorship is tied up with ego everyone wants to go around saying they are sponsored. All the top teams are sponsored, so having sponsors makes your team look better. There are probably instances were people say they are sponsored by a company and the company hasn’t even heard of the team.
“What you don’t want to sponsor me, don’t you think we are good enough”
“OK don’t cry, have a free pen.”
“Does this mean we can put your name on our jerseys?”
“If you like.”
Bulk buying on the other hand, is getting something (Free stuff or discounts.) due the company wanting to secure your business. E.g. If you are looking to buy ten guns it is worth giving a discount to secure that trade. Another example is getting a reduced price on paint by tying yourself in to a contract to use it for the whole season. This is frequently called sponsorship, but I feel this is more to do with ego stroking in most cases.
Don't get me wrong there are a team out there, whose promotion of a brand has benefited a company and are thus rewarded for it.
And it not necessarily as cut-and-dry to whether teams are getting stuff because of sponsorship or bulk buying. I’m sure there is a huge overlap. E.g. Team O.K. want to buy a set of markers. They are not famous by any stretch of the imagination but they are known in there neck of the woods and a lot of teams see them doing well at events and possibly occasionally in some mags they get a brief mention. They’ll be able to get a bit of a discount, but it won’t be down to their ability to promote the marker alone, the fact that they want 10 will be important as well.
Going back to paintball0925's original question, contact a paint supplier about a paint deal. You might be best not mentioning the word sponsorship, as it might be a word that immediately causes the company to delete your email. You might be able to get cheaper paint that way. If they own a field they migt let you train there. If you are looking to pick up several sets of kit perhaps you could speak to one of the online shops, they would probably be prepared to give you a discount package for each of your team members.
I’d like to thank my sponsors for there help with this post, couldn’t have done it without you and thanks for the pen.