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Speed 05 .... wow

I dont really agree with most of what has been posted here.

Sure from the perspective of somebody who goes out and buys the latest angel every time it is released the depreciation really sucks, but its the same for the guy who buys the latest timmy, matrix or BMW. Without putting the company out of business I dont see a way of getting around this.

I also dont agree that the new guns are any better than the old ones.

Essentially they have gone round in circles with the 45 frame and the fastest cycling marker I have ever seen with paint is one of our own Angel LCDs from 2001


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Tom Allen
When i moved up from my LCD to an A4, the difference was immense. Well you would expect that, because of the major improvements in design. And when i changed to the A4 fly, i could feel the improvement, and the change from sensi to eyes made all the difference.
I didn't feel the need to change my A4 fly to the speed, even with the revamped design. That was until i shot one, and this is where the "wow" comes in. This marker feels so good, and in my view.....


This may not be the "wow" level you require, but to improve a fantastic marker like the A4 fly, and get this is indeed worthy in my eyes.

PS. I feel that my initial post was fairly subjective.
I don't think any review is going to be anything other than subjective!

I don't have a problem with that, especially when it's coming from someone who knows the product well. Also being an Angel user, you may be more able to tell the subtle or not differences. Even if the review was to be biased or slightly coloured it makes it more worthy comment. I have a problem when things get too one sided or there's "bandwagon" jumping going on.

I think to a degree your validating my point about user interface and personal perception. I think as soon as you shoot a gun, you know whether it's right or not, not based on the technical spec. You can kid yourself that it has a 0.72% increase in efficiency etc (and you can feel this :rolleyes: ), but if it lacks your own WOW, then it's never going to be the one for you. Perhaps that is why Marker choice is emotive to the individual. If you feel a comfort level with your gun, and it gives you confidence, I think it does make you a better player. The confidence you derive, will make you make those percentage moves you may not of tried previously. Living behind you're gun is increasingly important in today's game, and this is completely dependent in the belief of you abilities and equipment.

Just because it cannot be defined as a scientific equation or value, doesn't mean it's not important in gun design. The new version intimidator is representative of this trait. No one knows how they work, and the build / finish quality isn't the best, but they have a feel good factor that (IMHO) is difficult to beat. On paper the Angel is the better gun, but for me and others it does not exude the WOW factor you feel.

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
I'll never hide the fact that i am a big fan of WDP and their products, as i am of many products out there. But i am honest in my opinions, and what i say in my posts, is how i feel.
I'm glad to be able to give my views about a marker, and i appreciate the responsibilty of my comments, with regard to others.
I truly feel that the speed 05 has made a definitve improvement over the A4 fly, and is well worth the praise that i and many others have posted.


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Originally posted by Beaker
Stongle is talking some sense for once.

If you compared the '05 speed to the old LCD - yeah WOW factor in spades. Compare it to the Fly which has been out a year then there can't be much WOW, it simply isn't different enough.

Other than the grip - which is purely an ergonomic experience not a bullets out the front one - the marker is to all intents and purposes the same gun as a Fly.

Is it a good gun, yeah, is it radically different from the last version - well not really.
If WDP were to hold back on their customers and release their developments as a full model year rather than bit by bit as they can, then you would see a much higher 'wow' between new guns from them. They don't do themselves justice in this department, and you see less wow between gun revisions because of this.

I am, and always have been, a huge fan of the design and engineering that goes into WDP's guns. I think they put more time and work into their styling and milling than most but often because it's not 'overdone' it doesn't get the respect it deserves.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Tom - no problem chap :) but you appreciate exactly why I didn't/don't want Techroom to turn into a proliferation of pbnation style vs threads which go no where except being divided along sponsor/friendship loyalties

Simon - agreed, and agreed :)

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Heaven forbid this forum would end up like pbnation. Which i'm sure is down to you and the other mods keeping a carefull watch over our hamfisted efforts to get our point accross.
I welcome criticism to any point i make, which in essence is what a forum is about.
As i said in responce to Stongles post, "At last some constructive criticism".
I agree the post was going the way of a speed 05 appreciation society, but as the saying goes, "there's no smoke without fire".


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Beaker
That is the definition of ergonomics :) I agree with you, being how advanced they are most of the battle with top end guns being "faster" is the feel/weight/length/pivot etc of trigger.

I meant to convey that the ergonomic changes don't have any impact of the bullets in imperical terms, such as velocity, consistantcy, ball breakage, mechanical ROF etc.

So if someone says "the '05 is sooo much faster than a Fly" I disagree, if they say "I find the '05 trigger much easier to shoot than the 'old' style" I think yeah thats cool, more power to them.

Yep, agree with all of that :)

Glen, gotta say agree with that as well, had a lot of confidence living behind the timmy, might have been misguided but that's less to do with the marker then it is the player.....
