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Speaking my brains...

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Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
So... the first three missiles that Saddam fires (one brought down by a patriot) are missiles that he is not allowed and which 'he no longer has' huh? Apparently they were Scud missiles which have longer range than he is allowed under the resolutions.

Kind of proves the point immediately doesn't it? He's been lieing through his teeth and hiding stuff.

I really hope he doesn't have any capabilities we don't know about.

I get a sneaky suspicion, we knew for certain he still had this stuff which is why we are in.

EDIT. Actually they are just debating wether the missiles were fired from within the allowed range or not... :rolleyes:


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Jul 10, 2001
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The Arabic point of view...

Im trying really hard to stay out of this politics BS, so this is the only post Im doing regarding Iraq

Im Egyptian, really proud about it to. Egypt is a old nation with traditions and history. Im also Swedish, born and raised in Stockholm. Really proud about Sweden, also a old nation with a great history. The 2 different nations are very much alike in some things and very different in other.
I think this situation im in have given me a great opportunity to see things in 2 different ways. Both the Muslim/Arabic and the western point of view.

Firstly, I really hope that Saddam is hit with a missile and dies a painfull death together with his henchmen.
No one have any sympathy with this a-hole.
I also hope that the Iraqi soldeirs surrender as soon as possible and spare there lifes together with the US/Uk soldeirs.

Do I think that the Us is doing the right thing invading Iraq?
Why not? Is the goal to get rid of a mad dictator and free the Iraqi people, so more power to you.
Do I think that this is the reason? Hell no!
But whatever the reason the result cant be worse than it is now for the Iraqis.

The problem the Arabic/Muslim world have with the USA and its western allies boils down to 1 issue.

Here we have a apartheid state that is runned by a war criminal Ariel Sharon who may I add is elected twice by the Israeli people. This nation have from the day it was born in the name of self defence attacked and occupied every single neighbouring nation.
The myth and the lie that this nation is living by is that they have to attack before they are attacked. the result?

1948 - given 1/2 of palestine by the UN. Took the other half after some etnic cleansing.

1956 - Attacked Egypt together with France and UK. Occupied Sinai peninsula.

1967 - Attacked Syria, occupied the Golan heights ( still do)
1967 - Attacked Jordan,Occupied the West bank and Jerusalem ( Still do)
1967 -Attacked Egypt and re occupied sinai ( gave it back after a peace agreement )

1973 - Egypt and Syria attacks Israel and try to take back Sinai and Golan. they fail, Egypt manage to take back the Suez channel.

1982 - Israel attack Libanon to secure there northern border, occupies the southern part of the country and Ariel Sharon ( the now elected Israeli prime minister ) Signs a cease fire agreement with the palestinians in the refugee camps. After all the men is evacuated the Israelis unleash a band of killers inside the camps and they start to kill every women and child inside. the Israelis is stopping everyone that try to get inside and roadblocks are stopping the red cross and journalists. But everybody can hear whats going on.

The last 50 years the UN have passed a ****load of resolutions against Israel, they havent complied with any!
The last 20 years on the other hand the US have attacked
Libya-Sudan-Iran-Libanon-Afghanistan and Somalia
They have also helped Israel with weapons and information against. Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Jordan.

Im not saying that all thoose strikes and wars are wrong, but when you put all this acts together then you can understand what goes thru the mind of the Arabic/muslims people.

All Arab nations are today rules by dictators, thats a fact. some are more blood thirsty than others. But they are all dictators.
Israel is a democracy IF you are the right race. The Nation is based on the exact same system as the Apartheid regim in South africa was. If you where white you could vote if not, bad luck.

The Us and the west is backing up Israel every day, and every day we can hear about the Isrealis killing civilians.
When the US is pissed that France wouldnt support them in the UN, then the Arab is thinking about the US that have vetod hundreds of resolutions against Israel. I remember when Israel shelled a red cross camp in Lebanon killing medics and wounded.
The UN resolution condeming the act was vetod by USA.

All this put together is dividing the world. And all this beacuse of the Israelis want whats not theres.
Put them straight and 90 % of the hate, terrorism and wars in the middle east will go away.



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Feb 27, 2003
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Thanks for the post Magued as I for one appreciate your view.
Television isn't nuetral and I don't beleive half the things I see or hear from journalists as that profession has lost it's innoconse and objectivity long ago.
As my country has 2,000 personal in the war I also hope it ends quickly and with as little bloodshed as possible. my wish is that Sadhams bodyguards realise their future and arrest/kill him themselves.


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001

Originally posted by Silentbob
They'll give him a 'wet willy', trouble is, Bush and Blair are still playing 'rock paper scissors' over who's willy it will be ;)
Paper Scissors Stone!


Sadly ive got an amazingly boring story about how 7 of us all choose scissors.


New Member
Originally posted by duffistuta
Mark, you said in rebuttal to me: >>>Our reason is security, whether you agree with that assessment or not, it's why we're going in.
Um, is that not exactly what I said - it's expedient and has nothing to do with liberating opressed people.
Sorry, I just didn't read it that way. I made a comment about the murderous Iraqi regime, and received yours and Solonor's responses just after.
Originally posted by duffistuta
No, my excuse for not going to war is that it will cause more terrorism, more deaths and more anti-west feeling in the Middle East and is sowing the seeds for even greater destruction.
I look at it this way; al-Qaeda attacked us when we weren't conducting a war on terror and before the liberation of Iraq. If al-Qaeda can attack the US again, they will. Their reasons for attacking us are inconsequential.
Some say that our globalization efforts led to their hatred of us. Others see us as a giant evil conglomerate, hell-bent on shoving potato chips and Big Macs down everyone's throats, and of course washing it down with an ice-cold Coca Cola. Some say it's our support of Israel, but the treatment Palestinians recieve in other Arab nations, belies their true feelings in the matter.
In many ways the notion that we must explore why they hate us is a victory of sorts for their efforts, so forgive me if I don't give a **** about "why".
Originally posted by duffistuta
I have maintained since the start that once the Palestinian question is dealt with seriously by the west, turning our attention to ALL evil murdering regimes - yes China, that means you too - will be made a whole lot simpler.
While I'll admit that there needs to be peace in that region or any region for that matter, I feel as long as Yassar Arafat is calling the shots for the Palestinians, peace is unlikely. His actions have proven that he is still working towards the eradication of Isreal, and that is simply non-negotiable.
Originally posted by duffistuta
As it is at the moment, a large amount of the Arab world sees the West as anti-Arab; this war is compounding that, and that is making the situation a whole lot worse for everyone.
I don't buy that. When our churches and schools preach hate like their mosques and schools do, then you may have a point.
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