Alright guys. Will keep it short so I don't hijack this thread!
All is good, moved in fine. Just waiting to see if I can get hold of Keltics or Clan for a tryout. Almost got a job..so fingers x'd vbefore I run outta cash and have to sell me balling gear!
Spain sounded cracking, wish I could've made it, at least to see Guy's antics and inevitable bodily breakdown afterwards
(It's not pneumonia ya big girl...it's just a hangover, thought you'd be used to them by now!!!!!!
Round 2? If you guys need a guest then I'm sure I can arrange something. Will get in touch one way or t'other.
Glad to hear the english teams had a blast though, and commiserations to the Trojans for what sounded like a bit of a sucky tourney.
See you in court Slapper......BOING (Don't care if you copied it, I am the Gardners of Boing..)
All is good, moved in fine. Just waiting to see if I can get hold of Keltics or Clan for a tryout. Almost got a job..so fingers x'd vbefore I run outta cash and have to sell me balling gear!
Spain sounded cracking, wish I could've made it, at least to see Guy's antics and inevitable bodily breakdown afterwards
Round 2? If you guys need a guest then I'm sure I can arrange something. Will get in touch one way or t'other.
Glad to hear the english teams had a blast though, and commiserations to the Trojans for what sounded like a bit of a sucky tourney.
See you in court Slapper......BOING (Don't care if you copied it, I am the Gardners of Boing..)