Cheers guys for the support and made a load of good mates out in Spain. Never ceases to amaze me how ballers go out there way to help each other. It's already been said but it spoke volumes when Brit teams were backing each other especially when your saw Frogs going at it with each other even after game over.
Feel really bad for the Trojans met them on the night of the first day and saying they were disappointed would be an understatement. And juding from the staggers from The Kidd (I think) the next morning vast amounts of beer didn't make it any better.
Bad news found out I've bloody got pneamonia (or something spelt simliar!) when I got back !! Yeah go to Spain get a tan and play paintball - last great idea I ever have

So lyin up now and restin my knees and the rest of my broken body for Master Rd 2.
Pump - Boing can't be patented as it's an ethos and if it can Binz and myself started the thing so go do eels or whatever - oh by the way missin your stupid antics