![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
First of all, when did P8ntballer turn into a less profanity strewn version of smack talk.com? Personal rage aside at the incessant whining, this is not supposed to be a socio-political forum. Get over your self-riteous indignation ( or is it pretencious condescension) and focus on the paintball. It's pretty pathetic how a few attempts at humour have led to this diatribe on modern American society. Just because most people in New York couldn't tell you where the original York is doesn't mean we are all nimrods incapable of being educated and cultured. My dad is an Air Force vet and I spent 12 years living at RAF Mildenhall 90 miles north of London. I didn't realize at the time that I was a despised and hated person because of my nationality. Welcome back to the dark ages, individuals dont matter only stereotypes. Apparantly some people feel the need to reinforce their low self esteem and cultural pride by crushing someone elses. Thanks for letting me know what an incredible piece of $h!t I am because I was born east of the Atlantic. Maybe you're right. All americans are stupid, lazy and generally worthless. So the solution is obviously to get rid of them. We can all round ourselves up into giant camps and use our huge military to execute everyone. Then the Euros can cross the ocean and have it back. Screw all of you I thought this was a forum for intelligent and open minded p8ntball discussions. Instead I find it's a buch of self centered twits who have nothing better to do than prove how evil and atrocious ALL Americans are. THanks for the education, I haven't been reminded enough how pathetic I am. Actually, I think our perceived arrogance comes from a known superiority to everyone else in all facets of daily life. (except spelling I haven't mastered that whole alphabet thing yet, lousy school systems) Why should we be concerned about anybody else? The USA is the technological and cultural center of the world. If we want to watch transvestite hookers hit each other with chairs on Springer, damn it, we can. THen we can walk down the street to the Guggenheim, or hit Broadway (even A.L.Webber had to play Broadway before he was taken seriously) So bash us all you want, there's still a Chilis in downtown London, and as long as you half-tards keep sending your money to America, we will continue to dominate, so get used to it. It started in 1776 with a sound hiding of His Majesties Royal ****ers. So bash us Americansall you want but keep in mind, if it wasn't for us Yanks... Nexus might have to shoot Angels ( how much do you like those cockers guy?) and a euro team might actually win a Millenium event.
See ya'll in hell.
See ya'll in hell.