Nice to see the Yanks take a Spanking for once.
Will it effect the majority of Euro or American Teams?....I think not. X-Ball is where the action is at the moment, 10-Man, 7-Man & good 'ol 5-Man have been pushed to the side and have been relegated to be the 'fringe' entertainment at most of the big events even though this is where most of us 'ply our trade'.
As Mak says, to get on the shirt-tails of the RL and attempt to emulate what they have achieved is gonna take money......lots of money but to play X-Ball, either here or in the US, already requires a huge investment, both financial and time. So, that, in itself, rules out about 95% of teams.
The fact that the RL went across the pond and spanked-the-yanks in their own back-yard will only effect the Teams that are already at the pinnicle of our Sport, teams like Joy, Nexus, Tigers and their American counterparts. They are the only ones that can
afford to make a difference. The normal run-of-the-mill Teams will carry on as before. Sure, we can train a bit more, give it a little more effort but in the long run I can't see it making much of a difference.
Yeah, I know all about that 'If you don't aspire to anything, bla, bla, bla' but its a closed market. The Paintball Companies are 'sponsored out'. All the top teams have cornered the market and now the cupboard is empty. So, unless you have a few spare mill's lying about doing nothing, I'm afraid its business as usual.
Congrats to the RL.