down at the site i marshall at we got sum new style flashbangs as we use them as grenades as there more reilable then paintgrenades, any way these new style ones are hell of a lot lounder plus have a longer fuse(at the time we didnt know that) so when i go to chuck one in to a bunker thinking it'll go off in a secound, the thing just ****s there puffing away, any way it starlted the players who after 3 secounds darted out the bunker but one guy forgot his gun so he sits and waits for a few secounds, and the thing still hasn't gone off so he runs back to grab his gun trips up gets back up agian and the flashbang goes off 10 secounds after i threw it it startlies him and he falls face first into the trench next to him thats knee high full of water!, everyone forgot about the game and just stood there absoultly kaking themselves as this guy is totaly wet threw and still stuned it was abosultley helarious. (excuse the spelling)