"we ask you to post the things you post in English, or at least a decent attempt at English. We realise that some people are dyslectic, and some people just aren't that good at languages. That's okay. We won't be puritans, but we don't want to see any more mindless chat room drivel and abbreviations."
That is probably the reason as to why Gibbsey said what he said.
Ps. if this is a place for "stupid internet posts" why are you posting in the firstplace?
if someone emptied a whole hopper on t me while recballing......a think said person would be getting a marker wrapped round there neck...me thinks.....wot say you guys?
When will he learn, grammar can go a long way, and for that matter I'll lend you some more, just to keep you going when times get rough: :;.,!"££$%^&*()_
And as of this point, I disown any affiliation with you on these forums.
Hrmmm, "flashbangs" are designed to blind, deafen and disorientate you for a short while. I didn't even think they would be legal on a paintball field.
Though I have some issues with paint grenades, I'm all in favour of smoke grenades.
have you ever had a flash bang go off next to you, no its not a good idea!!!! i jumped so hard i headbutted by tank and bruised my jaw. it would make me jump if i was expecting it but they're banned from the field i was playing on!