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slayer chicks


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
Baca said:
Players are just players--unless they're wearing bikinis.
Omg look I completely forgot to put my shirt on when I was playing :dodgy: :rolleyes:.
Paul I would honestly but they tell me off when just I have my sleeves rolled up so I'm thinking not ;)
Oh yeah & I might die :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. He he.
They [paintball pellets] can kill if they do not explode...They’re potentially lethal at close range.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
The one on the right is a bit errrrm, masculine :eek:

Pfffff, they're not even playing, that's just posing that is :rolleyes:

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Rosie said:
Omg look I completely forgot to put my shirt on when I was playing :dodgy: :rolleyes:.
Paul I would honestly but they tell me off when just I have my sleeves rolled up so I'm thinking not ;)
Oh yeah & I might die :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. He he.
And here I was thinking y'all were pasty white due to your dreary climate. ;)

Okay, new question. What is the general fascination most paintball players seem to have with collecting pics of themselves playing? You don't see hordes of photogs trying to turn a buck at youth soccer events or at little league baseball or even adult parks and recreation softball or flag football so why paintball?


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
Baca Loco said:
And here I was thinking y'all were pasty white due to your dreary climate. ;)

Okay, new question. What is the general fascination most paintball players seem to have with collecting pics of themselves playing? You don't see hordes of photogs trying to turn a buck at youth soccer events or at little league baseball or even adult parks and recreation softball or flag football so why paintball?
I'll have you know we are in the middle of a heat wave :p We are now all lobster red ;)

and as for the collecting pics thing, welll dont collect them myself but i suppose its because they can. Do you see photographers at little league baseball or youth FOOTBALL ?