If people are really so desparate to find out the exact details of what coverage Sky TV are going to give to the PA legue, wouldn't the best people to ask be Sky TV? I think if everyone put the same effort into contacting Sky as we're getting here, then maybe, just maybe some Sky exec would think it's going to be worth showing.
One more question for Hatts. 'Teething problems'? Where were they then? I must have missed them, maybe someone should put up a sign or something?
I would like to thank ALL tournament organizers for all the events they put on for us. Can't we all just get along.
One more question for Hatts. 'Teething problems'? Where were they then? I must have missed them, maybe someone should put up a sign or something?
I would like to thank ALL tournament organizers for all the events they put on for us. Can't we all just get along.