Yup, yet another post agree-ing that STb was STB!
Some top paintball played, both days of the weekend,
Quality location too, very visible from the motorway, maybe there should be a whopping great billboard next time, to let people know what's going on?
Cheers to Grasshoppers for having me and "Hot Point" for the weekend, chers to Manike for the cold one, and a massive shout also to Mr Bull - he is, apparently a "Diamond Geezer".
Have to say massive kudos to the chicks for doing what they did - hope you raised lots - just a shame my earlier wishes for rain didn't come through

(actually, it's not - the weather helped make it a top weekend).
And all you southern teams who dont think much of the paintball oop Norf, if things carry on the way they are, that's where our "world champion teams" will be coming from - imagine that, English paintball represented at future nations cups by dudes with ferrets down their trousers, drinking that odd, dark coloured "Real Ale". with their pit crew made up of whippets!
And for that last (not serious, honestly) comment, you northern teams will be able to light me up at the October leg of the series - Pompey Uni "
should" be there.
(and I'm from further North than most of you lot so I'm allowed to slag off the North)