Due to some confusion I missed a team out - Curtains
I have added them into Division E which now means three teams drop down a division Deja Vouz, Park Rangers and Synergy. Sorry if this upsets your plans but Curtains in the bottom division I think not!!!!
Top four divisions remain the same. Nitro in D same reason as the previous post from me A & B are a mix and C & D are a mix of teams, plus Nitro have been going down hill recently - go on prove me wrong!!!!!!
Who has sent me an e mail suggesting I bring my swimming trucks for the pool - you won't have a pool big enough - plus when I get in the water will get out See you on the beach
Due to some confusion I missed a team out - Curtains
I have added them into Division E which now means three teams drop down a division Deja Vouz, Park Rangers and Synergy. Sorry if this upsets your plans but Curtains in the bottom division I think not!!!!
Top four divisions remain the same. Nitro in D same reason as the previous post from me A & B are a mix and C & D are a mix of teams, plus Nitro have been going down hill recently - go on prove me wrong!!!!!!
Who has sent me an e mail suggesting I bring my swimming trucks for the pool - you won't have a pool big enough - plus when I get in the water will get out See you on the beach