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Shoreline Events - The lies and what we should do about it

Simon Cort

Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
I wish the post above to be left in. Again i am in no way involved with a site or a feud. I am will support anyone that wish to get there money back. I have a case building now and have an array of statements.


Jul 2, 2001
This is quite clearly a case of Robbo vs Shoreline - and once again Robbo will come out of this looking foolish.
Next time you make such stupid accusations i'll ban you myself.

I'm going to say this once, and say it clearly, just so everyone is aware.

This thread has nothing to do with Robbo or any P8nt staff. This is entirely down to Simon Cort.
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Callum Dennis

New Member
Jul 8, 2013
Please Sir un-bunch your panties, and come have some fun, i have met most of the people going to this event over the last couple of years so just looking forward to seeing them and having a laugh. Yes it unfortunate about the change of location, must admit i fell in love with Sennybridge last year so i am gutted. However i have been to other Shoreline events and i know the lads im going with and the teams in my fraction so i know i will have a blast no matter what

Simon Cort

Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
Thank you for your comments Callum, Can i ask if you were sold a ticket to a site with out the correct licenses and insurance. Would you still go?


Active Member
May 16, 2011
So what your now applying Simon because you can't get your money back because off the small print your now making accusations that the event organiser does not have any insurance/licences in place. I have worked on many MOD sites for many years I know personly you can't even fart onsite without the necessary paperwork in place. I find this being a very worthless cause that your attempting to win.

Just my thoughts thou

Simon Cort

Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
  • Tim Barnett This is awesome. Leave the thread up here - definitely leave it up.

    I don't normally comment on forum or Facebook hystericals.......I leave that to hysterical people.

    In terms of TCUK, its all kinda been explained - I don't really have much more to add. I'm sorry to hear you are dissatisfied but if you want to sue us for 65 quid then there is nothing I can do (and I suspect say) to stop you.

    Sometimes, other issues at an 'industry level' get played out under the pretext of something else. Frankly, I don't think most players are interested......most just want to slap 50 quid on the counter in exchange for a weekend of gunfighting. That's why we don't engage in this sort of industry led stuff any more. Its pointless.

    Anyhoo.......I'm more than happy with the thread.....nothing in there that causes me concern over and above the usual stuff........carry on!
    21 minutes ago · Like · 3
  • Simon Cort Wow, I am happy you have the time to comment on facebook, when you get a chance seen as your by a computer can you please email me the documents i requested. All the best
    A few seconds ago · Like
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This is absolute nonsense, don't you have anything better to do with your time? We're all a bit annoyed we can't play at Sennybridge, but none of us are as out of pocket and angry as Shoreline themselves. Take it on the chin and move on, there is no legal case here as they've done nothing wrong, if you want to try to sue anybody here take it up with the MOD. I'm sure they'll be very understanding when you try to explain to them your £65 ticket to play a game on their land is more valuable than training our boys up for what they're calling an 'urgent operation'!

Simon, this is an accusation from you. You have no evidence, therefore it's unfounded and libel. Grow up.

Seems slightly far fetched to me - but if anyone wants to put the legwork into double checking, I'd suggest ringing the campsite that was to be used for TCUK (http://www.bishops-meadow.co.uk/index.php/ct-menu-item-13 ) and asking if they had a big booking for 19-21st July that has been cancelled, when the booking was made and when it was cancelled. Should sort any conspiracy theories.

If you pop over to http://www.ukscenario.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=126&t=35133 - this thread on UKS, you'll see a thread by one of our lads, CraftyButcher, aka Terry. He is a London cabbie, and coincidentally the owners of that campsite ended up in his cab a few months ago and were talking about it to him. So yeah, unless we're also in on this conspiracy. ;)
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