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Sex offenders allowed to appeal being on the register


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
The whole notion that human rights is something people are ALWAYS entitled to is a flawed one in my opinion.

There are some crimes that are so heinous, crimes committed against children, and any notion that the 'people' who commit them are still entitled to human rights is actually quite disgusting.

If you hurt/murder a child, you give up any right to be treated humanely ... executing them would be a let off as far as I am concerned.
Torturing them for a few months first and then killing them acts as a deterrent to others .. a deterrent that is certainly not present at the moment.
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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
i think there is more to the sex ofenders list than meets the eys of most people.

yes i agree 100% that those who are on it for a valid reson should be there.

However. instance no 1. ( i only have 1) i friend of mine was in a night club (18+) where a girl got talkingt o him. he ended up back at hers and the girls granparents walked in.
the grandparents called the police and it turns out she was only 15. hes now on the register.

i do agree that the sick people who go out of there way to rape etc should be on it. i also feel they should still be in prison and not allowed out untill there balls etc fall off.
Jun 11, 2008
They should be taken off the sex offenders list as required by the supreme court.

They should then be placed on a list of convicted criminals which details crimes committed and length of time since they were last caught. As all criminals will be on this list there is no discrimination.

If it's still discriminatory add the rest of us on.


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
alternate precautions to prevent "misunderstandings" and thats to ask to see ID etc before things get too randy!!


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
Torturing them for a few months first and then killing them acts as a deterrent to others .. a deterrent that is certainly not present at the moment.
i wholeheartedly agree it is what they deserve, however by making torture 'acceptable' in this form would almost definately result in people (whether for the right motives or not) deciding to carry out substantially more tortures and murders than there already are in this country.

However. instance no 1. ( i only have 1) i friend of mine was in a night club (18+) where a girl got talkingt o him. he ended up back at hers and the girls granparents walked in.
the grandparents called the police and it turns out she was only 15. hes now on the register.
this is more common than you would think, and it is completely unfair. i don't know if your friend tried to fight it but in scotland there is a part in the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act that allows you to appeal againt this sort of thing by showing evidence of a persons character (i.e. she goes out and deliberately lures guys to sleep with her, knowing fine well she's underage).
although this sort of thing i have complete sympathy for, and even to an extent when people are convicted of rape when parties have alcohol involved. but the brutal unforgiving rapes of women completely against their will is just about the single most disgusting thing a man could ever do.
don't know what others opinions are but somebody i work with said that she would rather be killed than have to suffer being raped.

now doesnt that just show how traumatising crimes like this are? Last i checked you have to be human to have human rights... and how could any normal human being think this is okay?

rant over guys sorry. after seeing this 1st hand through my criminal course, this is something close to my heart which needs sorted


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
alternate precautions to prevent "misunderstandings" and thats to ask to see ID etc before things get too randy!!
It stands to reason that if your girl is somewhere that she has to be over 18 to be allowed entry, she is in fact over 18.


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
True, though it seems more and more common for underage girls to get into clubs using fake IDs or whatever.