I agree with what you lads are saying about 'certain' circumstances, but with cases involving kiddy fiddling I think its fair to say the draconian methods would work best.
Regarding pulling girls in a night club etc......I think that if its a first and only offence and can be proven to be a case of 'genuinley not knowing' due to booze, make up, appearance etc' then yes.....maybe give them a second chance before putting them on the register. I supposse at the end of the day its circumstantial and thats what we employ judges for.
Personally I beleive that anything of a sexual nature against ones will should be dealt the most harsh and severe punishment. In genuine cases them maybe yes, some clemency should be shown before casting the person to the wolves. Again, this is down to the judges I guess.
I dont have an answer for all the rights and wrongs on this subject, I just know that as a father of two kids myself, if ANYONE laid a finger on my children (in a sexual manner) at any age against there will then I would gladly sign there death warrant.
Likewise, if my mate got busted for under age sex after pulling a bird in a night club then hell yes, it needs investigating by the authorities to ask the question,was it a: consensual? and b: could he prove that he did not know the legitimate age of the female i.e underage? Bottom line is it takes 'two to tango' in circumstances of consensual sex and if found not guilty of knowing the age etc then a warning should suffice. Repeat offenders should be dealt with accordingly using chefs law of extreme brutality
I do think that this sex offenders list could be over used in some cases and should only really be used for extreme scenarios such as kids, rape etc. It is for those extreme cases that a person should lose his or her human rights for anything in my opinion.
Maybe there should be a secondary 'provisional nonce list' that is for the less severe sexual scenarios like groping asses in a workplace etc (bad example but ya know what I mean

) that would not command such severe punishments but would still dish out some form of justice. Repeat offenders on said 'provisional' nonce list could then be promoted to main sex offenders list if they dont kirb the error of there ways, knowing that in doing so they risk facing the wrath of robbos pliers
ChEf for PM......:tsk: