right lets put the record straight .bully doesn,t like being refered to as a rip off merchant for one, which was mentioned by some people but what really took the biscuit, was that some one made out that this years event was not as well organised this year because gillie and andy hatts where not there

what a load off b**locks ,if you new what effort they put in to organise this event in previous years.well i can tell you nothing,they wrote the scenario thats it ooh and made the artifacts out of foam and sprayed them gold thats it the rest was left to bully to build the stargate,alpha base ,pyramids,new safe area and numerous other things yet people give them all the credit,and the cheeky gets charged bully over£1500 for the previllage and thats each year

plus they turn up on the day do nothing and expect everything free,well know you now what pissed him off.plus for the recod bully is still paying bills from this years event and as not taken a single penny from it and you can take that to the bank

so who,s the rip off merchant now .bully would probably put this in better words than the staff at the site that put weeks of effort in but i could not put up a polite reply from the staff to acertain minority of players ,to the rest ihpoe you enjoyed it and here,s hoping for next year