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Apr 1, 2002
london, essex
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Darkwerks, don`t get me wrong I don't condone atrocities and it appalls me to see it still happening to this very day. My grandfather was in a Japanese prisoner of war camp and was witness to many unforgivable atrocities.

It is an evil minority that commit war crimes and you are right, they should not be forgiven and their crimes never forgotten but on both sides we should remember and respect those who died otherwise you half the enormity and wastage of life.
But that is how I feel and you are entitled to how you feel.

The thought of 12yrd old kids running around pretending to be vc is abit disturbing and I hope we don't have our children doing the same. So maybe senario paintball should stick to non historical events.
I like rec ball because you can sneak around and there are so many varied fields to play in but I would like to play a game with abit more depth and planning, maybe a search and rescue game.