I tell you what, it seems to be impossible to get a factual picture of what happened at any tournament one doesn't attend, apart from the stuff that goes down on the official scoresheets.
There were bunches of reports from both the 5 and 10-player events at the World Cup about understaffed fields. Then we hear that wasn't the case. I hear from many sources that the reffing was atrocious, both from various forums and from acquaintances who just got back. But I read other posts that say the reffing was generally good. What's a man to believe?
I got e-mails and had conversations with people who were at some of the recent events, about how the reffing in the NPPL has gotten so lax as to be laughable. That almost nobody will enforce the rules, especially in play-on situations.
Yet the times that I reffed NPPL events, including two world cups, I reffed with judges who were very competent and busted their asses to do a good and fair job (both times with GZ guys). I don't remember hearing a single complaint about anything. This past summer I reffed a Millennium with a top NPPL American team. Ditto. We were universally praised for a magnificent job.
Then the Nations' Cup. My Swedish friends and many other Europeans said the judging was without-a-doubt biased. So much so that they felt they couldn't take it any more and dropped out. But others, including some on this forum, said it wasn't in the slightest way biased. Just some missed calls because of the pace of the game.
I know it is not the end of the world if lil'o me doesn't know what really happened. It is just a little frustrating.
I'm not saying anyone is lying or exaggerating. I just think this perception phenomenon thing between different people is interesting.
There were bunches of reports from both the 5 and 10-player events at the World Cup about understaffed fields. Then we hear that wasn't the case. I hear from many sources that the reffing was atrocious, both from various forums and from acquaintances who just got back. But I read other posts that say the reffing was generally good. What's a man to believe?
I got e-mails and had conversations with people who were at some of the recent events, about how the reffing in the NPPL has gotten so lax as to be laughable. That almost nobody will enforce the rules, especially in play-on situations.
Yet the times that I reffed NPPL events, including two world cups, I reffed with judges who were very competent and busted their asses to do a good and fair job (both times with GZ guys). I don't remember hearing a single complaint about anything. This past summer I reffed a Millennium with a top NPPL American team. Ditto. We were universally praised for a magnificent job.
Then the Nations' Cup. My Swedish friends and many other Europeans said the judging was without-a-doubt biased. So much so that they felt they couldn't take it any more and dropped out. But others, including some on this forum, said it wasn't in the slightest way biased. Just some missed calls because of the pace of the game.
I know it is not the end of the world if lil'o me doesn't know what really happened. It is just a little frustrating.
I'm not saying anyone is lying or exaggerating. I just think this perception phenomenon thing between different people is interesting.