Is this because you are always getting shot out early dusty :0)I've got my choice of loaders off the shelf here, prophecy won by a fair margin. Better speed feed, better capacity, very lightweight, battery usage isn't that big an issue for me to be honest but this runs for ages on 4 aa's, wide mouth angled down to face me makes it one of the easiest loaders to pour a pod into, standard capacity is 240, feels like you're actually never going to run out. I've finished games without having to reload, it's a definite advantage.
It is a tinkerers hopper if you want it to be, OR you can just use the stock set up, and it will perform how you expect.dammit youve really thrown me now, lol, my last hopper was an empire and i really didnt like it, reloader b, so is the prophecy well respected then, ive not really followed up on them?