Shows how much you know thenIt's the old fogies that championed the drop to 10.5 coz they got sick of being shot to bits by punk ass kids with a skippy finger. Go back to 15bps, throw in some more barricades like we used to have back in 05/06 and let the creaking old gits return to the woods with their pumps.
More like 2 quid thereActually I've heard worse. In truth the drop to 10.5 bps did cause some problems and probably did stop some new players joining in in tournaments as they had bought older/cheaper markers which couldn't be capped to 10.5 and so stopped them from playing some of the uk tournaments. With money being tight for a lot of people some of these wouldn't have been able to afford new equipment to cater for this.
No I don't think it is the biggest cause for the demise of the game but it doesn't help bring those fresh legs in to replace the old fogeys now does it.
Personally I think it should be capped at 15bps as most guns can be capped to this (and back to semi).
Since paintball is struggling any little help is needed.
Just my 2 pennies worth
That doesn't make any sense - the whole point about having ramping is that any talentless numpty can fire 15bps, regardless of how slow their fingers are. Higher bps will actually benefit the 'fogies', as they were less likely to move anyway and can now lane against the punk ass kids more effectively.It's the old fogies that championed the drop to 10.5 coz they got sick of being shot to bits by punk ass kids with a skippy finger. Go back to 15bps, throw in some more barricades like we used to have back in 05/06 and let the creaking old gits return to the woods with their pumps.