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rof cap


Shooting for the ladies
Dec 21, 2007
When did you start playing?
That's biggest load of bull, I've heard this year.
Actually I've heard worse. In truth the drop to 10.5 bps did cause some problems and probably did stop some new players joining in in tournaments as they had bought older/cheaper markers which couldn't be capped to 10.5 and so stopped them from playing some of the uk tournaments. With money being tight for a lot of people some of these wouldn't have been able to afford new equipment to cater for this.

No I don't think it is the biggest cause for the demise of the game but it doesn't help bring those fresh legs in to replace the old fogeys now does it.

Personally I think it should be capped at 15bps as most guns can be capped to this (and back to semi :p).

Since paintball is struggling any little help is needed.

Just my 2 pennies worth


Active Member
Jul 8, 2001
Under the bed...
It's the old fogies that championed the drop to 10.5 coz they got sick of being shot to bits by punk ass kids with a skippy finger. Go back to 15bps, throw in some more barricades like we used to have back in 05/06 and let the creaking old gits return to the woods with their pumps.
Oct 5, 2002
Sauf Koast
The problem with 15bps is the paint bill at the end of the tourny,an extra 5ish bps per second x 5 guns per game kranks the amount of boxes up quite a bit. We shoot 8 - 10 boxes at the super fives @ 10.5 at the mo and its still colse to £100 each (5 players)

The last thing we need is it to get more expensive in the current climate,we need to encourage play not make it ''a sport for kings''



Active Member
Jul 8, 2001
Under the bed...
Havent really seen too much of a paint consumption change. Used to shoot 12 boxes at the d7s tournies and now shoot about 10 boxes at the super5s. Was shooting 10 boxes at freakz when it was 12.5.


Free Style Baby!
Mar 10, 2007
as i seemed to got killed for saying in the other thread, i want it to stay at 10.5, its still fast, Playing last sessiom (08) and this session (09) i much more enjoyed it becuse of the easyer movment making games more about movment. also 07 (15bps) was horid is was often break out and then no body moves until your a copple bodies up althought that was 7 man


UK Under 19's & London Tigers.
Oct 25, 2008
Semi = more players can play regardless of equipment

ramp isn't needed to play paintball

15BPS = more pant usage sure, but then again, surely won't paint be cheaper if more is made? And there won't be problems for new players.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
yeh 10.5 is fine, and i agree paint bills have dropped i can play and event with one case of paint
Oct 5, 2002
Sauf Koast
Semi = more players can play regardless of equipment

ramp isn't needed to play paintball

15BPS = more pant usage sure, but then again, surely won't paint be cheaper if more is made? And there won't be problems for new players.
Ramping was introduced due to cheater boards back in the day ( 03, 04 i think), some players used these with the semi 15bps cap and before the cap was introduced so they could shoot a constant 15 or whatever their loader could manage, where as the honerable ballers amongst us used true semi hitting whatever speeds we could. Obviously this gave teams an unfair advantage so ramping was introduced (if i remember rightly due to this forum) so there was a level playing field.


UK Under 19's & London Tigers.
Oct 25, 2008
09-01-2010 12:56 PM lettucecheesecake
yes very true, but in the grand scheme of things
Isn't introducing and maintaining new player influx a tad more important than winning or a bit of cheating? cheating happens and it always will.
Semi will allow more players to play.
Oct 5, 2002
Sauf Koast
yes very true, but in the grand scheme of things
Isn't introducing and maintaining new player influx a tad more important than winning or a bit of cheating? cheating happens and it always will.
Semi will allow more players to play.
I totaly agree with you. But having ''semi'' doesnt work hense we use ramping now. The only way to do this is to have true capped semi (which was a real pain to police, judges smacking your bottle to make sure your trigger doesnt ''bounce'' adding shots) in the starter divisions and have ramping in the higher as people will take advantage.

I think keep it 10.5 or 12.5 ramp. Im sure a starter wouldn't like to be drilled with 15bps, and yes 2.5 bps does make hell of a difference!

Unity across the board.