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recball site marshals/refs - love em or hate em?


New Member
Mar 26, 2004
guys to marshal you have to be nice ,very nice until its time not to be nice
every time you shout at a player to put his mask on always say please and thank you at the start and the end its amazing how much better behaved people are when you use them 2 little words .
we use barrel socks now and at the end of every game we or the players put them on when every player has them on you allow them to take off thier masks,
ive also had close misses like one 60 year old guy thinking he was safe inside of a hut and taking his mask off ,he looked like rocky after the drago fight(he did keep both eyes lucky) fight ,and 1 kid who lifted and was still firing at players who were shooting back ,he got shoot just below the eye and ended in a and e but thats in five years of games and 1000s of players
another way of dealing with b/balling is to assess the players ,iv had players shooting the **** out of each other and not even bothering (its amazing that adreniling stuff eh) but when both sets of players are doing it i dont mind its when 1 set are trying to play fair and the other is b/balling ,cheating etc thats when i get heavy
i dont shoot punters ethier and the next time i see chazz (revolt) shooting punters ill shoot you ,it just starts argro
most players will come up after games and say sorry i didnt mean it, if you do get shot the next time count to 5 before you say anything and dont flinch it scares the s$£t out of them (once got shot 5 times on the padded area of the new etek pants and just stood there , the dead player standing next to me turned round to his mate and said "whoooo its superman" ) just try and be nice its great job satisfaction when a group of guys shake your hand going out the gate and it si a job at the end of the day

just my way of marshaling and i train all my marshals the same way


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
I think site marshalls dont get paid enough for what they do ... the same goes for any ref.

I'm experienced in both sides (3 years rec ball reffing nearly 4) and also around 2 years on and off tourney reffing. So I've met it all and I have to say its a nasty job but someones got to do it.

Worst case scenario was when I had someone nearly batter me whilst i was reffing tourney for making a supposedly bad call ... it put me off but My Ultimate sat me down and said it dont matter we all have to grin and bare it sometimes.

Also had the usual marlarky with punters but heck who doesnt ...

Fortunately I'm looking at leaving it all behind soon anyway, just need to find another job that will cover my life style.


Better Than Tom36
i aint gonna mention no names but only saturday gone we had a group of 13 bodyguards who were all built like brick outhouses. we got them to their final game and gave the field rules and instructions and set them playing. all was good up to this point and for such BIG chaps they had a really good laugh with me and the other ref running their game. another ref from our other group who had just gone in for a break came running down the field with a marker and paint loaded and proceeded to shoot 7 shades of sh!t outta these fellas and caught a dead player (whos arm was up signalling eliminated) square in the nuts, he also shot one of the same side he was coming from in between the shoulder blades before running off. their attitude changed soooo quick towards me and the other ref who had been getting on so well with them. 1 of them pushed me in threat of kicking my ass and the one who was shot in the nuts was threatening to kill the guy who had just planted a ball in his meat n 2veg. needless to say we got the ref in question to hide until the big fellas had gone then had a quiet word with the ref in question. he had no right to be on our game field and no right to be shooting my customers up and thinking back i should of let the fella he shot, find him and kick his ass.

its not always the players who are the dicks ;) u get the odd ref whos willing to push it also.
which site do you work at? so ill know to avoid it. you guys sound about as professional as a bunch of trained monkeys.

you talk as though fights are common place? i think ive had 1 propper fight on one of my games in almost 3 years of marshalling mostly saturday and sunday. its pretty unusual unless theres some really sh*t marshalling going on.


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
which site do you work at? so ill know to avoid it. you guys sound about as professional as a bunch of trained monkeys.

you talk as though fights are common place? i think ive had 1 propper fight on one of my games in almost 3 years of marshalling mostly saturday and sunday. its pretty unusual unless theres some really sh*t marshalling going on.

common? in 4 yrs or so ive seen 1 close call and this last weekend so where u got common from? most weekends we get goggle lifting and the likes but other then that there is nothing. this thread was more for everybodies little stories and tales from their sites but pratts like yerself feel the need to jump down someones throat like that. ive never had a proper fight on site in 4 years.. some close calls but thats it. ive always been quick to get inbetween the 2 wanting to go at it so if theres any monkeys here then its u and urs. goggle lifting is common place on punter sites due to their lack of understanding of the dangers and perhaps the goggles steaming but again weve never had anyone taken away in an ambulance for being shot in the head without a mask. we work our arses off and everyone goes home happy. u may have got the wrong end of the stick with this thread but just cause uve possibly had a sh!tty day then keep the bitchin down.


Risk Factor Speedball
i'm 16 adn i've been marshalling for about 4 weeks now, i'm tiny compared to some people we get down i'm 5'10" but a really small frame. i really get freaked out when the customers take off their masks one 60ish guy was behind a fence and he go COVERED in spray, his marker was completely multi coloured and so was his mask, i went over to him while he was being shot at and he sat up on his knees and took his mask completely off! i screamed at him in completely disbelief "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!????? PUT IT ON NOW!!!" worked a charm though, he through the mask on. then at the end of that same game he was standing outside the deadzone with no mask on chatting to the people on the way to the deadzone. he was far away so i had to shout at him, all i was thinking about was "sh!t he's gonna loose an eye!!"

the site i work in is crossfire and they've been open 14-15 years and never had any paintball injuries, people have broken bones and things but just because they decided the tops of slipy rocks looked like good sniping positions, noone has lost an eye or gotten a shot to the face.


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
see now those are the kinda posts i was after here. just a bit of info on other sites and their problems. not rants or people going off on 1. cheers m8.

really unbelievable what must go through some peoples minds :X


Better Than Tom36
common? in 4 yrs or so ive seen 1 close call and this last weekend so where u got common from? most weekends we get goggle lifting and the likes but other then that there is nothing. this thread was more for everybodies little stories and tales from their sites but pratts like yerself feel the need to jump down someones throat like that. ive never had a proper fight on site in 4 years.. some close calls but thats it. ive always been quick to get inbetween the 2 wanting to go at it so if theres any monkeys here then its u and urs. goggle lifting is common place on punter sites due to their lack of understanding of the dangers and perhaps the goggles steaming but again weve never had anyone taken away in an ambulance for being shot in the head without a mask. we work our arses off and everyone goes home happy. u may have got the wrong end of the stick with this thread but just cause uve possibly had a sh!tty day then keep the bitchin down.
oh dear, looks like its someones time of the month :rolleyes:

in my book, when a marshall runs down the middle of the game site shooting punters, thats blatant lack of professionalism. care to even try to argue with that?


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
i agree but the fella in question i'd never even met before the day he did it. apparently he had worked 1 time before this time also so he wwas a new ref. even know i dont know his name slips my mind. dont take what 1 pratt did (who i threatened to hit myself) talk for all 15 or however many refs. ive never seen it before that day on my site or any others and i was gobsmacked to see it.

perhaps i didnt explain he was new and most of us had never met him, but i have already said i never wanna work with him again. alot of phoenix refs share the same view on him.

Ant UK Ref

New Member
Apr 4, 2007
Manchester, England
Toby MT, 19 years old eh? Jeez you must be one hard f*cker. First off and this is a biggie, it's not about how big your balls are. It's a question of how professional you are as a referee, customer or tournament. I have now been involved in paintball for 18 years, and the principles of how you treat the customer have never changed. Yes we all deal with goggle lifts, they will always happen but I promise you this, as a VERY professional and VERY experienced tournament referee, I see just as many, if not more goggle lifts from people who should know better on the tournament scene, not KOTH teams either. Manners go a long way no matter what the skill level of the paintball player you encounter as a referee.

Tom Portox, you know me as one of the UK Refs who does the PSP World Cup, and know how I run a field. You are more than welcome to come and ref on my field and see what happens if any damn player threatens you with violence when I am Field Ultimate, I promise you this I know enough people in this industry to see them get a lengthy ban, and I am NOT scared of banning people, trust me I have done it before and I have got the balls to do it again and again,if the need be. Mars Bar, if he did say that, was indeed wrong to say that you have to grin and bear it. Would you grin and bear it if average Joe on the street came up to you and told you they were gonna twat you? would you f*ck, you'd put one on them. But as a ref you have to be better than that and remain cool and calm under pressure. That's what professionalism is all about.


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
Toby MT, 19 years old eh? Jeez you must be one hard f*cker. First off and this is a biggie, it's not about how big your balls are. It's a question of how professional you are as a referee, customer or tournament. I have now been involved in paintball for 18 years, and the principles of how you treat the customer have never changed. Yes we all deal with goggle lifts, they will always happen but I promise you this, as a VERY professional and VERY experienced tournament referee, I see just as many, if not more goggle lifts from people who should know better on the tournament scene, not KOTH teams either. Manners go a long way no matter what the skill level of the paintball player you encounter as a referee.

Tom Portox, you know me as one of the UK Refs who does the PSP World Cup, and know how I run a field. You are more than welcome to come and ref on my field and see what happens if any damn player threatens you with violence when I am Field Ultimate, I promise you this I know enough people in this industry to see them get a lengthy ban, and I am NOT scared of banning people, trust me I have done it before and I have got the balls to do it again and again,if the need be. Mars Bar, if he did say that, was indeed wrong to say that you have to grin and bear it. Would you grin and bear it if average Joe on the street came up to you and told you they were gonna twat you? would you f*ck, you'd put one on them. But as a ref you have to be better than that and remain cool and calm under pressure. That's what professionalism is all about.
It wasn't Mars Bar thinking about it ... i apologise for the mix up. But I dont want to name names and get anyone a bad rep.

The violence threat was from lack of experience and I had a full blown apology after the event as the player didn't want any hard feelings between us.

I've edited my original post from before.

Thanks Ant I do respect you as a ref and as a friend. You at CC?