strongle, The NPPL is not the Millennium series. You said it, and yet still wish to use toulouse in your argument. I have no problem with your math, it just doesn't make any sense to use the Millennium as a benchmark when discussing the NPPL. The instances you refer to were last year. The NPPL and the Millennium may be working together rule-wise next year, But this year they did not. Futile argument in my opinion.
The 'shock-horror' overkill you use goes right over my head. Is this something you jhave against me personally or does it have a bearing on the discussion. I have no wish to be a martyr, but I do have a wish to put accross a veiw that is not purely from a playing perspective. Is this shocking to you?
Am I hinting at a quality control gap? Without question, and I am not hinting, I am prepared to state that there is one there, for sure. An organisation with 4-6 decision-makers and few full-time employee's is not as manouverable or reactive as an organisation with a solid HQ and infrastructure (don't mean to knock the staff of any organisations, as it is not thier fault).
As for the rest, paintball is not free. Yes, I too wish it was, but how much people have to save up is not my problem, or the NPPL's. They charge what they charge. It is up to the players/teams to decide whether or not they get value for what is charged. If enough teams think they are getting vaue from the NPPL then they will succeed, if not they will fail. If they charge less than they need, they will fail. It is simple business and only becomes complicated when you start saying 'its the players league' etc. Yes, I believe it is the 'players league', but that does not mean it should not be run as a business. I am wary of being continually alarmist, but if the league(s) do not get supported they will cease to exist. At that stage you, and others like you, will start bleating that there is no decent league (again). The leagues are doing what they can to please thier 'customers' and the league that offers the best all-round package will be the most successful. This year it was the NPPL without doubt.
Finally on the 'players league', if a player is not a member of such league, do you believe they should be able to criticise the NPPL for not looking after thier interests? Do you think the NPPL is a body that should be looking out for all paintballers worldwide, or just its members? There's a big difference. Your squeals seem to be generally about european teams and players. Do these players, most of which have never played an NPPL event and many of which are not NPPL members, think that the league owes them something for the Millenniums shortfalls?