Bounce vs. cheat
I agree with Stongle that this needs to be implemented correctly. However, I disagree on a couple of other points.
First - I still prefer the team DQ. A $500 fine? Most players will look at that as an acceptable risk, especially if the teams gets to stay in the tournament. I like the "hang 'em all" rule, but then I'm a ref and gun cheats piss me off.
You talk about customer service and being responsive to the players. What do you think this change is? Players bitch a lot about the DQ rule (even though only 5 teams got caught all year - makes you wonder who the cheaters are out there) so the NPPL changes the rule to something less draconian. And still you're going to bitch about it. OK - how do you want gun cheats handled? Remember, it needs to be severe enough to not only punish but also deter cheating. It has to be fair to the players. And it has to be enforcable at the event.
Second - the question of 'unintentional' cheats. Couple of things here.
a - a bouncing gun is not grounds for a DQ. The only grounds for DQ is more than one shot per trigger pull, or velocity increase above 300 FPS (ramping velocity, not the occasional fat ball). That's the whole point of the robot - it counts how many times the trigger is actually activated vs. how many shots are fired.
b - if you're going to tell me a player doesn't know when his gun is stacking shots, I'll tell you that player shouldn't be playing a national level event. A team at the Denver event was caught with an Angel in shot storage mode. Do you know why we checked his gun? Because every time he came out to shoot, he shot his bunker on the way back in. If you're so oblivious that you don't realize the gun is shooting when you're not pulling the trigger, you shouldn't be on the field. And if you do realize it, don't whine or lie about it when you get busted. The "I didn't know" excuse doesn't work when I 1for1 your ass for playing on with a goggle hit, either
c - The chrono ref is responsible for testing trigger bounce. Once a marker passes the chrono ref, the player won't be busted to bounce. do you think we only pulled 5 markers to send to the robot all year? I pull more than that each event. Most have bouncy triggers and the Scrutineer tells the player to turn the bounce down. They don't get DQ'd. Let me repeat that for those who are obsessing over this - they don't get DQ'd for bounce.
d - if you read the comments from a certain chip manufacturer after a certain NPPL event, where he said the user of his custom chip got DQ'd for "excessive bounce" - keep in mind the source of this statement. Also, his idea of bounce is 30 shots for 21 trigger pulls (that's almost 1.5 shots per pull). That's not bounce, that's adding shots.
Sorry if this sounds like a rant. I'm at work so I have to write this quickly.