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Predictions for 2004

To make games faster the millenium introduce the following changes
New field size of 20m by 10m.

Game times are reduced to 60 seconds.

New back cube size is 20mm by 10mm and endorsed by lego(tm)

chrono limit is now upped to 749 miles per hour thus eliminating the bottleneck at the chrono station. If you get a sonic boom your over the limit.

Other news

X-ball games extended to play over 3 days constantly

Dog Village Cats win the Paintball association league using only splatmasters.

Back players are a dying breed and put on the endangered list by the w.w.f.
hey I'm liking this thread I can spam and get away with it.

More predictions

With the introduction of the new lego brick back barricades, Back players form break away league. Format to include 2 hour games so they can reach the 50, two l;unch breaks mid game & Back bunkers the size of small houses.

With introduction of back players league all other leagues fold due to lack of paint consumption.

Smarts parts nerve put on hold until somebody else releases a new marker and they can steal the patent.

[Naughty T-L. Consider yourself edited. BL :) ]

Viewloader lobby the oxford english dictionary for the introduction of another few letters to the alphabet as they are now stuck at Z.
Oxford enlgish dictionary say tough you will have to use 04 up until september then switch to 54.[that should confuse non brits out there]


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
hmmmm, ok style predictions for 04,

SoCal ballers to see a return of the Ghillie suit, although designed by uber trendy Japanese designers Massimoto, ghillie suits now available in Teflon enriched nylon thus reducing the wipe requirement. In the style and cultural desert that is the UK, Ballers still insist on wearing Renegade Pads outside their chigo's, and display a distinct lack of Colour coordination. Many teams still seen in Olive Rase tops.

US ballers continue to become more athletic, and dimples are definitely in. Infact when the Dynasty guys smile, you can see right through their faces. Meanwhile in the UK, UKPSF lobbies parliament to ban SoCal advertising in the UK, as this may drive the overweight balling population into gyms and fitness, which we all know leads to Anorexia / bulhemia

Bling Bling to go the same way as Naf Naf, and now only worn by the French.

Hummers replaced by bicycles as ballers get environmentally aware (or banned from driving...grrrrrrr)

DYE ATCs replaced by Retro Addidas Lambini plimsoll's as the must have footwear.

Robbo comes clean about his Oil of Olay sponsorship.

DYE C4's become gang bangers pants of choice, as they're ain't nutt'ing you can't hide up in d'em mofo's. Promptly banned from all events after Ja Rule trips and gats a marshal with the glock he lost in his pants a few weeks back.

DC to lose his rag with tournament paintball, Shatner still looks good in Spandex, so Rec-Ball becomes focus for TV. Tyger pontificates about this a little too much and gets clipped by communist splinter group (UKPSF), although money trail leads all the way to the back to the Pentagon. tyger gets canonised and silly headwear becomes fashionable.

SP patent Momma Lambini's Crystal Ball. Becomes the most have house hold accessory for 04.


Naughty Paintball God
Mar 28, 2002
Norman Park, Georgia
Predictions for end of 2003/ all of 2004 season:

Baca Loco will submit to an FB Radio interview and supplant Steve Davidson as "The Most Dangerous Man in Paintball"

Paintball, Inc. Insiders Rick Fairbanks and Doug Brown will be indicted for financial misconduct.

Dynasty will learn the joys of FSDO

Someone else will run the paintball side of Shatnerball III

Back Players will learn that excessive body hair offers better 'bounce factor' than excessive body weight and sales of Rogaine will quadruple.

MPP Games will emerge as a major player in the scenario community.

T.J. Lambini will publically admit that he only exists on these boards, becoming the first ever sentient life form created in a forums website.

The Paintballchannel.com think tank will be contracted by the Rand Corporation.

Internet radio personality will go on public television explaining the sport of paintball (next week)

Tyger will be overcome by the evil his E-Mag generates, loses 50 pounds, shrinks 1 foot in height and plays front for Avalanche.

Larry Cossio will "show me some love" that doesn't include humping my leg.

Avalanche will roar back to the front of the pack.

ESPN and Sports Illustrated recognize that Paintball is a sport to be reported on, and inks multi-million dollar deal with unknown staff writer for Paintballchannel.com. (Don't mess with the fantasy!)

John Rice will make a scenario version of the A4.

Robbo will find the time to submit to another FB Radio interview.

JJ Ontiveros from AGD will submit to an FB Radio interview, during which he'll beat the host over the head with an old level seven valve.

Paintballchannel.com announces new FB Radio Host JJ Ontiveros.

FB Radio host will fly to California to cover a scenario game and come back saying "Brah" (This week)

That's all I have for now...


New Member
Oct 23, 2003
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Fraige gets a regular haircut.

Adverage hieght in the NXL goes above 4 feet.

(realistic) Dynasty gets slapped around and looses a few more events.

Brass Eagle makes a gun out of aluminum.


New Member
Sep 18, 2001
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- Someone invents a chrono wich catches cheater boards. All electronic guns get banned except of sear tripper spyders. Bad Company wins everything.

- WWF's new highlight of the year Robbo vs. Team Rage cage match with Swedish refs..

- Nick loses finger and mouth cordination, p8ntballer boards get deserted as a result.

- Dynasty in addition of monthly 1million balls delivery as usual, receives weeky 5 shockers/player just to be able to play. SK seen on tournaments with a scuba tank on his back.

- French refs 1-4-1 a French player on a Millennium tourny. CNN provides live feed of the historical event, in the background the horsemen of the apocalypse descend to earth.

- Smart Parts actually invent something on their own

- Swedish icon Spikey Mikey becomes the first official Paintball Hooligan and gets sponsorship from the booze industry.

- N'sync enters into paintball we finally get on TV..


Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
Originally posted by Jaime Menino
Hey guys!

What about Raehl?
What happens to him? I'm curious? :D :D :D

realistically - equipment becomes half the price it currently is - i mean drop forwards costing £20 when they cost 3p to make:p

unrealistically - raehl goes for a year without pi$$ing off a mod and not getting banned.

realistically/unrealistically - may be vice versa:D :D :p


Millennium to run an 8 team XBall League with a tie-in to the NXL at some stage

Nexus and Nexus Eclipse, Tontons and Tonton Acyd, Joy and Joy Kidz all merge into single XBall squads

NPPL to pick up where it left off in Miami and continue with straight ahead 7-Man traditional ball

Several very big names leaving the NXL to play NPPL

Greg Hastings to become next Bill Gates

Two new young industry owned Pro teams plus the Hurricanes to step into NPPL Pro bracket

Dynasty to win NPPL and XBall Division 1

Trauma win the NXL

Mike Lynch to set a new record and play for only one team all season in '04