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Planet eclipse 'EGO'....

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Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by L J
jesus christ. you should delete all those posts you made about stupid americans!!! have you read ANY of ANYONES posts???

we have said it CANT be a cocker or any other gun as they wouldnt get their own section in PBN
He winding you up as well. I have had to choose to ignore his posts or would be forced to hunt him down and batter some sense into him!! :p

Anyone a clue when this marker is due out?


London E.C.I 2008 retired
Jul 8, 2002
hampshire uk
not wanting to add to the spamming

- but guys stop adding all these toss posts- leave it for discussions of what it is/ or suggestions- some of us don't want to read the same wishfull dreaming of it being a tweaked existing marker- we know it's brand new and in the way planet have with every other marker and product they'll tease us to the point where we'd sell our mothers for it ( any takers?) - even if it's an anti double ball!

Just my 2p

I'd like to think an insanely fast lightweight open bolt, Bounce free (or with DB settings), with low pressures and break beam eyes with a similar grip and trigger set up to the e2 frame. Something to rival the mid market on price but the top markers on performence!

A.B :)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Originally posted by Leigh - Nexus
Reading all these posts is funny sh1t when you know exactly what's going on, ho ho ho.

I'll tell you something, once again, Dr Woods and Co at Planet Eclipse are bringing out a product that is going to TOTALLY rock the world of Paintball.

You will never look at your markers in the same way again, I promise you, you will be amazed when you see the EGO.

so for now, keep guessing !!!

Leigh - Nexus

ps. best get your guns up for sale now and avoid the imminent flood in the classifieds section
reading the last line of that statement does that mean it is due out soon??
as in within a month? or before xmas??

go on i won't tell anyone.............
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