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Paintballs Natural Rival?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Meyer, I know I scare you dude but I was only jesting re the children...,

But I just read up that the AC130U Spectre has a 105mm Howitzer, 40mm Bofors cannon and a 25 mm GAU (something) Gatling Gun, This is the latest incarnation of the Spooky / Spectre family. The Spooky's are equipped with both the 20mm Vulcan (evidently early ones had 4) and 7.62mm Miniguns. Got this from a Spooky site on the net....

The best shot of the Spooky was the one used last year in the press with it giving it some large in Afghanistan chucking Flares out the back and letting rip with the miniguns and Vulcans - Fantatsic. I want one for Christmas. I'll try and post it later...

A related question maybe somebody can answer (it's kinda Hercules related), is the DaisyCutter as wheeled out the back or a Hercules in Vietnam, the Gulf and Afghanistan a Thermobaric Pressure weapon (you know non-nuclear blast wave over-pressure weapon), or are we yet to see these in use? Just interested as I read about them and wasn't sure if the Daisycutter comes in this category?

I'm not a nutter honest. I just always wanted to be an Arms dealer cos they get to ride around all day in Big Black Mercedes, and have you seen Adnam Koshoggi's Yacht in Puerto Banus????


New Member
I know, actually its a little funny when you think about it.

Anyway, I seem to remember somethin about daisycutters used in Vietnam, if its what I'm thinking of (like that one they used in the movie Outbreak) then in Vietnam we would drop them from C-130's to mow down a huge area of forest, and turn it into a firebase, and airfield, whatever.

Imagine one of those filled with paint, then dropped in a scenario game, oh my god.