that's kinda the same argument NPPL is using to promote it's new seven man series ... and I really don't want to come off as a NaySayer ... I guess the problem is that no one is willing to step up to the plate and market this thing. right now, IMO, the only people who are truly interested in paintball as a sport are the ballers. But that's like a double edged sword. On the one side, ballers want to be taken seriously, on the other ... their own negativity and smacktalking about their sport and other players seriously hampers the leagues' abilities to draw major national sponsors to the sport.Originally posted by Meyer
I'm not saying this military theme is bad, I personally enjoy these military recreations periodically, but tournament paintball needs to draw a distinction between itself and recballing, which is why I'm excited about X-Ball. I think very soon were going to see ESPN and other sports networks taking an interest in tournament paintball as the sport grows as a new extreme sport.
At the same time, the leagues don't do enough to squelch the negative attitudes within the ranks or to promote the sport in a positive light.
As for donning camo ... I was young once and foolish. I'll stick with my pretty tourney jersies, unless of course, someone makes a supair camo pattern.