![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
Do you honestly think you can sway people's thinking with such a transparently pathetic post like that ?Originally posted by Tyger
Pete :
Just because you can't stand to be out-done by anyone does not mean that you are always right. Plus, it does not always mean that anyone who disagrees with you is "full of ****". Your "MO" is to pounce on anyone who you think disagrees with you, go on the offensive, and use all the weapons at your disposal to NOT attack the issue, but the person making the issue. This isn't debate, it's attepmted character assasination. See above for eh ultimate example. "Step into line with my line of thinking or you're full of ****." you cna't STAND to think that someone on the board isn't in the "Cult of Robbo." Especially somoene who's a rec-baller.
Seems to be a common thread with you. Excrement. Can't you at least vary it up? I mean, tell me I'm a ****head or something? Just to show me you're trying?
But, to move forward in the discussion and not worry about PEte's brused ego :
Gyro : Football has been around for almost 100 years now. If you take a 1920's football team against even the '02 Bengals, yes the Bengals would win. But you're talking 100 YEARS of evolution. What we're talking here is TEN. 10. a decade compared to a century of improvement.
In TEN YEARS a game, any game, does not signifigantly improve or change. And that's the time frame we're using here. Hence, a '92 team, wiht the same equipment as an '02 tem, would compete just as well.
Talk to me in 50 years. THEN we'll have a grand debate!
And since I have 1 minute to say it on today my time, happy birthday to me.
This has got NOTHING to do with me being done down, bruised ego or whatever, you do not possess the intellect, experience or arguments to achieve that.
It's all about one of the world's great under-achievers indulging himself in self-deluded posts.
Now, you write your posts to impress the readers, this much is obvious.
The reason ?
Coz you can't do fack all else, you ain't achieved anything in this game of note that's for sure, so your only means of notoriety or fame (because this is what you crave more than anything), is to try and get the readers to believe you have some standing in this game via boards like these, you don't and you never will !!!
Now I can go on all I like and in the end it just all becomes a meaningless volley of posts that the readers may well not be able to discern the truth depth of your psychosis.
So, I will give people a little indicator as to who is actually telling the truth in all this.
Our mate Tyger, believes his is one of the world's great players, this is in his own head mind you.
I and other members of the PGI staff have had emails over the years from Tyger telling us he could easily get on teams like Aftershock and Ironmen and so on.
But when pressed as to why he's not on any these teams, Tyger's reasoning is that there is a conspiracy within the industry to keep him out.
Bob Long, Renick Miller and others have all been implicated in this conspiracy theory expounded by Tyger to substantiate his absence from any of these teams.
Now any normal human being would just admit they are crap and get on with life but oh no, not our Tyger, his psychosis wouldn't allow that, he has to create Paintball's very own Watergate to explain away his own inadequacies.
Anyway, you guys make your own minds up about him; I’ve made my mind up already.
But below is a copy of an email I received about a year ago that Tyger asked for me to forward to him when he found out it had been sent to me, I never did.
I received it from a very well respected American paintball player and he wanted me to put it on the boards but to do it anonymously.
His reasoning for this was, politically, he did not want to be drawn into anything.
Now this guy ain't no coward, far from it in fact and I can personally vouch for his integrity and his reasons for not wanting to be identified, however, he also has more experience of Tyger than any of us have over here.
It's nearly a year old but it's still wholly relevant now, it explains things better than I ever could.
Here is what he wrote :-
In all my years of reading and posting on paintball forums, this Tyger character stands head and shoulders above the rest as the most self centered, self serving, self righteous individual in the entire internet paintball community. He is 100% the center of his own attention, and obviously thrives on getting attention from others with his condescending attitude toward tournament paintball. Alas, I have failed in my attempt to never let the guy know he occupied one moment of my thoughts.
I have seen Tyger play the game a few times (Knoxville, Skyball). Believe me Tyger, you are getting attention in the only way you ever will as it applies to paintball. Keep pissing everyone off on the forums and they will keep talking about you. You will never get any "good" attention on the field. Contrary to the belief you pretend to have - YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PLAYER. You have as much of a chance of getting selected to any elite group of paintball players as I do being ELECTED the King of England.
The only group of paintball players that you will ever be "SELECTED" to play for will be one that disqualifies 95% of players -- i.e. a team of people who frequent internet sites AND play pump religiously AND claim to hold honor above all that is Holy AND ...........
Baca Loco hit the nail on the head. You show up at events from time to time and prance around in some silly costume that screams "look at me". You can pawn it off on whatever you feel like, but you fool no one. You are a mediocre player who wants to be a superstar. You put on stupid outfits, you post idiotic comments all over the net, you instigate outrageous arguments just so that you can continuously reply, and you even try to get all rec ballers to feel your pain by ending damn near every argument with the " no one listens to me because I am just a rec player" thing. (have you ever noticed that you are the only one in your arguments that feels that way?) It is all an attempt to get yourself recognized. I can understand why you put so much effort into getting notice by all means other than actually playing, for I have watched you play.
You are upset with the entire tournament establishment because the WHOLE group seems to have missed the fact that you are a "GREAT" player. Based on your ramblings, I believe that it is your opinion that there is some great conspiracy to keep you and those like you out of the upper echelon of tournament play, and off the top teams roster.
Something definitely is strange. It's your idea that you have one quarter of the game that the players who make up the pro rosters have. I don't begrudge you because you are not a good player. I love my mom to death, she ain't too good either. But she hasn't spent the last 8 years spouting off all over the web about how good she is. That is what separates you from the thousands of other players who wish they were on a pro roster but aren't. That is what makes people think you are a fool. That is what makes me dislike you even though I have never spoken two words to you. It's a shame that you have failed so miserably in something that is obviously so important to you. But if you would just stop with all the bull****, you may just enjoy this thing that so many of us enjoy. Just play paintball and shut up.
X-Ball wasn't rigged! That is absurd. Why rig it? Someone wrote that it would help sell it to advertisers in the US. It amazes me the lengths that people go with their attempts to rationalize getting their ass whipped.
You will definitely not be on any of the 8 X-Ball franchises (if that pipe dream ever actually happens). And it is because you are not good enough as a player. That's it. No other reason. There's no big plot to keep anyone out.
I play on a pro team. I have played on many pro teams. Pro teams have one singular purpose in paintball. WIN TOURNAMENTS. If you were a player who's abilities could help in that effort, you would be on a pro team. You have been around forever. You have played in front of every pro team owner/captain in the states. You went unnoticed for the same reasons you will go un-thought-of during the great 8 team X-ball draft. You are not good enough. Teams, captains, owners, sponsors care about W's. How in the hell do you think Frank Hallinan stays on pro rosters? It ain't a popularity contest. The people on his team hate him as much or more than anyone. But he can flat out play. How do you think Lockout got to the pro ranks? They have no money. Half the team delivered pizzas to make ends meet. But they use to play a mean game of paintball.
The bunny rabbit suit didn't do the trick. The constant banter of conspiracies, mafia type closed doors in the top ranks, etc, haven't done the trick, and won't. Just accept your lot in life and be a mediocre paintball player who likes to play pump and have fun. No one is keeping you out. I feel safe in saying that your name has never once been mentioned when any of the top 30 teams on the planet discussed possible player pick ups.
You are correct in one thing. You are a second rate citizen in big time TOURNAMENT paintball. Tournament paintball is about competition. You get treatment based on your ability on the field, and the results of your performance on the field. Not because of the amount of entry fee you paid. You pay the entry fee so that you can get on the field and show what you got. You won't get respect simply because of how long you have been around. Not because of the weird costume you have on. It is an environment that obviously doesn't suit your liberal views. When the competition begins, the people who play the best will be treated the best. they will get the biggest prizes. They will get the biggest cheers. They will get the most publicity. It ain't a democracy. It ain't fair. It is competition. It is the law of the jungle. It is a sport.
I hate that I have given you this much of my time. I have grown to hate people with your attitude in this sport. Full of excuses. Full of reasons for your shortcomings that shift blame to others. Full of contempt for those who busted their ass to get to the top and are now reaping the benefits that you falsely think belong to the masses. You are not the only one, you are just the most obvious, and most vocal one on the net.
For you and those like you, from me and others like me -
I am on a pro team because I have god given abilities that along with years of dedication and work make me uniquely qualified to help teams win on the biggest of paintball stages. I had nothing to offer other than that. That ALONE is why I get to play on a pro team. That ALONE is why I believe that if their were 8 Xball teams picked today that I would get to play on one of them. I do not hold any ill feelings toward rec players, pump players, Novice tournament players, or any other paintball players. Quite the opposite. If I meet a guy in a grocery store and realize he is a paintball player, I instant like him and respect him. I do not look down my nose at any paintball player. But when paintball players try to tear down things that others worked hard for, deserve, and take pride in, simply to justify their own shortcomings, I absolutely do develop a deep and sincere hatred for them. Our sport is too small, many people have worked too hard, and we have too many people outside of paintball trying to stop progress for me to have any patience with those within the game trying to tear down those on the cutting edge out of pure and simple jealousy. And nothing short of God telling me will convince me that Tyger is anything except jealous.
I am sure that you will pick and choose things within this that you can debate. I have seen it many times before. And I will admit that you seem to be quite intelligent and a very polished "debater". Have at it. I wrote it the way I see it. It took YOU 8+ years to develop this opinion for me, it will be hard for you to get out of it.