Look dude, playing in the near buff, it's not big, it;s not hard and from what Snippz says dosen't impress the girls. From what I've witnessed (my joking aside), you obviously want to treat pball as an enjoyable "sport", and the control freaks function as a proper team. However I think that such a move by yourselfs maybe viewed rather dimly in the wider media as "Failed WarMongers in Shock Fetish Sex Games" (well if it were in the Sun). Maybe as a laugh and joke behind closed doors (with your mates), but not for public consumption. I know many ballers look at our welts as signs of "daring do", and that glorious mugging run where "I took 3 of their players only to be lit like a Christmas tree by their back coke can". Cool, well done mate. But to the wider audience we look like a bunch of nutters........